
Merry Christmas Everyone! 
          	I know I had promised the first chapter of Plum for Christmas, but I’m afraid I have to tell you that a new chapter is not something I’ll be able to produce right now. While I did start on it I couldn’t bring it to completion because half my family was involved in a car accident that also included me. I haven’t been in the right mind set since then, and it did take away a lot of time for me. I hope to update for y’all soon. 


@osiriasworld so sorry to hear about the accident with you and your family I hope it wasn't serious  merry Christmas and a happy New Year when it comes 


Merry Christmas Everyone! 
          I know I had promised the first chapter of Plum for Christmas, but I’m afraid I have to tell you that a new chapter is not something I’ll be able to produce right now. While I did start on it I couldn’t bring it to completion because half my family was involved in a car accident that also included me. I haven’t been in the right mind set since then, and it did take away a lot of time for me. I hope to update for y’all soon. 


@osiriasworld so sorry to hear about the accident with you and your family I hope it wasn't serious  merry Christmas and a happy New Year when it comes 


I haven’t written chapter one yet, and this new version of Plum is my favorite version of the story so far. I’m reworking it and it literally bought back a bit of the enjoyment I had when I first started telling it. No promises yet but I’ll probably post chapter one for Christmas, and then it’s back on pause so the next chapters can be written. 


I updated the Plum cover but now with all the parts that I’ve unpublished I’m wondering if I should delete this story and just start a new one under the same title, or if I should just continue under the current one. Suggestions? 


@osiriasworld whatever you decide  I will still read


@osiriasworld whatever you want is fine. If your interests have shifted then maybe you could alter the story in a way that you enjoy writing it. Because if you don't then you might land up in the same place months from now.


If I came back to writing on here is there a story you’d like to see come back? 


@JaneShaw6 I’m so sorry I feel like I keep letting you down since I start from the beginning again! I promise I’ll try to get to where we left off as soon as I can. There might be fewer chapters this time but they’ll be longer. 


@MrsHutchStories thanks a lot for the compliment! I started outlining it and the only main difference so far is aging Josh up a bit since their was an age gap. I don’t really like writing high school students type characters anymore so I’m changing that. Other than that there may be fewer chapters, but the chapters will be longer for sure.


@osiriasworld I totally get that! But just know your character development & story telling on that story were unmatched. I feel like anyway you choose to take it, it’ll satisfy us. It’s amazing.


I kinda want to finish what I have going for this competition, but I also kinda want to delete this whole account. I’m not sure yet


@ReflectingM thank you! I’m here for you as well 


@osiriasworld I know the feeling... Been going through that since last year. If it means anything at all, you've got my support. :)