
boy do i love coming back to wattpad once every 2 months to look around my page wish i was still active and leave.......


@oneminn sounds like me behaviour lmao


hii do you play genshin in american server ?


omg hi my bad haha im not active anymore :((( i do play on american servers! my uid is 619540124


Coucou ! J'ai pus lire quelques par que ta langue natale était le français et que tu avais voulu traduire la fanfic Shin Soukoku 25 letter mais je n'arrive pas à la trouver... Je voulais savoir si tu l'avais déjà écrite, ce qui voudrait dire que il y a un problème puisque qu'elle n'est pas sur ton compte, ou si c'était encore en cours de traduction ce qui expliquerait mon incapacité flagrante a la trouver. Et si tu ne l'a pas encore publié aurait tu une petite idée de quand tu la sortira? Sans vouloir forcée bien sûr 


@ Olympiade7  Je comprends parfois on veut se lancer dans quelque chose puis après on a plus envie. Ce n'est pas grave j'irai la lire en anglais merci pour ta réponse : )


@Olympiade7 bonjour! il y a déjà longtemps que ce projet à été abandonné; j'étais trop occupé avec de différentes choses dans ma vie, et j'ai décidé de quitter wattpad pour un temps indéfini. je ne crois pas que cette histoire verra le jour, malheureusement. j'espère bien que quelqu'un d'autre prendra la relève de cette traduction! merci (:


a sudden layout switch? should you expect a mighty comeback from the mighty min..?


wow i could've said "might you expect" that's some lost potential there i feel defeated


I'm not sure if you'll see this, by the time you come back (if you ever do at all) but up there is a beautiful book, and it's helping me a bit with my emotions too, ones that are too negative to deal with. Thank you very much. :') 


@oneminn i'll be waiting for it if/when you're sure one day (:


@anothermultitrash im so happy to hear that my book is helping you! i doubt that the book will ever be completed, but im glad that you at least liked what I managed to post of it (:


          guess who's back from the dead :o
          first of all, happy new year (although i'm about a decade late)! i hope this year's gonna be full of GOOD*** surprises for everyone!
          second of all, this is quite awkward. i haven't even remotely touched up there in six whole months, and even though i promised i was going to get back on track in october, nothing of the sort has happened since then (which is quite obvious if you ask me).
          on a more serious note, i would like to blame that disappearance on the pandemic and what it has done to my mental health. since school started again in august, it felt as if i was being buried alive in mountains of schoolwork, although i'm sure the amount remained the same as any other year.
          at the time, i was carrying the burden of our beloved, confusing human feelings and the persuasion that everything was going to be okay (i would yet again like to shift the blame, this time to Quebec's godforsaken ça va bien aller slogan that gave all of us false hope), a persuasion that kind of ended up backfiring.


Happy new year minnie!!! It’s been so long , this was wonderful <3 


@oneminn awww happy new year too minn! sadly i don't have an ao3 account :"D but it's good to know that you're still looking at the stars. will miss you here but take care and stay strong and please update us here some time soon -v- love you <3


            all my hobbies were taken away by the pandemic, everything was closing down and nothing even felt right anymore.
            it wasn't the same feeling as when i was younger; it wasn't the idea of myself that felt worthless enough to keep me away from waking up in the morning, it was the world itself that felt worthless. to the point where winter break barely did anything to me.
            and with the recent death of my youngest uncle, who had been battling against covid-19, everything has felt numb. even more numb than ever. but, as i said, i've always, and will always be someone that looks at the good side of things. and to be honest, there weren't many things that have made me happy lately.
            but that doesnt mean the few things that did weren't important.
            i met someone that i associate with strength, with courage itself. he helped me through this mess, he still is, and i'm still attempting to pay him back for everything he has done to me. i love him, and i always will.
            i met someone that i consider my eternal best friend; she, even if she may not feel worthy of it, is actually the main reason why i decide to roll out of bed in the morning. even if our conversations consist mostly of simping over fictional characters and crying over (also fictional) deaths, she means the world to me, and i never, ever want to feel the pain of losing someone like her.
            i hope all of these bonds will last forever. it's all i ever need in life.
            all of this to say, i have been in a very bad place lately, and to be completely honest, i still am.
            which is the reason why i will be discontinuing up there.
            yes, it was predictable, but i just felt the need to announce it properly. this does not mean i will stop writing! i still am, but mostly about other fandoms, on ao3.
            with this, i want to wish everyone a gleeful year, full of happiness and strength!
            thank you :]
            – minn