
Sorry if I don't reply to you guys or here or read your work, I've been having problems with the app since Wattpad started the new Beta test! Hopefully they'll fix it soon so I can get back to writing! 


Hey! I really enjoyed reading "Every Day" Will You post the sequel?


@Juno85 thank you, I'm so glad! Yes, I will as soon as it's done. I had to stop writing it due to some technical difficulties but I'm hoping to get back to it tomorrow. A quarter of it is completely written and edited, the rest of it is completely planned out. Fingers crossed it'll be out before Christmas! It took me 2 years to write the first one before I uploaded it as I don't like to upload anything I'm not totally happy with 


Your story of bechloe is so beautiful hope to read the sequel of the story soon .


@JemAnthony you're very welcome!


@JemAnthony thanks for that update and i like to read more of that story and i will wait for the new updates till may thanks for your reply 


@JemAnthony wow thank you so much, I'm so thrilled you like it! Sadly I haven't been able to do much work on it recently due to personal reasons. However, I shall be back to full time writing again in May so it'll hopefully be up sometime that month 


So I guess I have some explaining to do. 
          I know I promised that the sequel to Every Day would be ready by the end of the month but I'm afraid it's going to take a little longer than that...
          Any long-term readers of mine will probably know that I struggle with poor physical and mental health, which makes it extremely difficult for me to update regularly. 
          Although I'm much better at handling my mental health these days, my physical health isn't too good right now so I don't have any time or energy to spare on writing on here - which saddens me very much as I adore my stories very much and miss them when I can't work on them. 
          I'm also back at uni now so any writing I am doing is for my degree and I can't use any writing for that if it's already published online - which is so annoying because I would love to share all my work with you all! 
          Because of all these reasons I'm not sure when exactly the sequel will be ready. I have written a lot of it, but none of it has been edited and I'm definitely not going to publish something that I'm not 100% happy with, you guys deserve better than that!
          I hope you all understand and aren't too disappointed. The sequel is coming, I promise, and I have high hopes for it!
          Thank you so much for your support! 


@YamYamAkire thank you so much, I really appreciate that!


@SadLittleWriter well. .whenever your free to make the sequel, you just have to know that we'll still be here waiting! We love you and your talent! 


I dont wanna stress you out annabel, but when will the sequel thing off everyday be coming out?? Like I've been waiting, again, take ur time I don't wanna stress you out


@Anyamarie1307 thank you very much! Happy reading!


@Anyamarie1307 ifs fine take as much time as you need and i dont mind if the sequel of the story isnt your main priority. I have managed to find other stories that i have liked so take ur time, no rush, ill just go back to my other stories


@Anyamarie1307 I'm sorry but I really don't know, I haven't had much time at all to write on the story. I've been very busy unexpectedly. Also I've been working on an older story of mine as well and the longest my readers on that waited for an update was 3 years, they've already almost waited another year for the chapters I'm currently writing for it. So unfortunately the sequel for this story isn't my priority. I'm still hoping to get it up this month but that may not happen. I'm very sorry that you've been waiting. ❤


Hey, I just wanted to say that your descriptions are magnificent! I don't know how, but they actually make me feel things. For example  my heart starts to pound when something bad happens. Everyday is one of the best fanfics I've ever read and I just wanted to say thanks for creating such a great story and sharing it with the rest of us. :)


@KaramelBechloe oh my goodness, thank you so much! That really means a lot to me! Thank you for even reading it, I was worried that nobody would like it. Thank you for voting and commenting on it as well and I hope you enjoy the next chapter ❤


I can access my writing again!! Yay! Thank you all so much for being so patient with me, I apologise profusely. Updates will resume as normal, with the next chapter of Every Day going live on Tuesday to give me time to edit. I am so sorry that you've had to wait so long but I really do appreciate you guys sticking around. I hope the next chapter is worth the wait! ❤


@Miaryn_Targaryen  thank you! I'm very happy to be back! I hope you enjoy the update tomorrow 


@SadLittleWriter Yay Wattpad isn't messed up anymore! Glad you are back


I am sorry that I didn't manage to update my Bechloe story, Every Day, yesterday! Unfortunately I am currently unwell and therefore wasn't able to update. 
          However, when I tried to update today the app kept crashing and I was unable to access any chapters on my story at all! 
          I'll keep trying to get it to work but I'm not sure when that will be! 
          I am so sorry for the inconvenience and will do my best to fix it!


Thank you to everyone who's reading my newest story, Every Day - a Pitch Perfect/Bechloe fan fiction. It's the #8 Bechloe story and I'm so pleased with how well it's doing. Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy where the story takes you! The new update will be published tomorrow! ❤