
*hysterically wails* I have a blister on my heel! Oh, how disgusting! A love goddess isn't meant to walk five miles in a day! 


@ofritesofpassage Aphrodite frowned at her shoes. "I didn't know they were no...noto....a bad brand. My apologies, you do have that talent. It's hard to keep track of all that, my goodness. Random, but you do look very nice today." She snapped her fingers, making her shoes turn into pink sneakers. "More comfortable but still cute. You were so great in ballet, you danced on air! Alright, I'll take your word for it, it won't leave a scar."


@ofritesofpassage "No, it won't leave a scar, I swear, I took ballet for awhile and my blisters naturally popped, no scars whatsoever, but honestly, I have control over my appearance as your kid, so I can just will my face not to become scarred from popping pimples, maybe you should stop wearing those new heels though. The brand you're wearing is notorious for giving blisters." Jade showed her an article about the shoes she was wearing, and all the bad reviews they were getting, all to do with blisters.


@HistoreEternelle Aphrodite gasped in horror. "Oh, your poor face! I couldn't possibly! This is the worst day of my life!"


Lily walked into the world meeting, as Ivan forgot his lunch (again), so she was bringing it to him, but when she walked in, the other countries were wowed by her beauty, and she blushed at the male (and female) attention and shyly hid her face in her hair, then walked over to Ivan and handed him the homemade lunch she made him, then kissed him on the cheek. "Hi, babe. You forgot your lunch again. I'm starting to wonder if you're doing this on purpose so I can visit you at work." The other countries were shocked to find that this lovely lady was taken, and by Russia, no less. Alfred was especially jealous, and blurted aloud: "How does HE get one of THOSE!? I want one of those!" but his choice of vocabulary angered the Russian, and Lily got flustered, and wondered: 'What is THAT supposed to mean!?' in her head.


            "He means he wants a girlfriend. Though I must say his vocabulary is not the best way to speak out his feelings,"deadpanned a male voice. Startled, Lily turned towards a young man and what looked to be his sister sitting besides him. He had sharp steel grey eyes and dark hair framing his shockingly and sickly, pale face. The female smacked him on the forehead."Can you have a way of speaking like your not dead?"she scolded. The male rolled his eyes at her and sipped something. "Sorry, he's a sharp talker. He's nice though, my name's Mira. That's my brother Rivalle." Rivalle rolled his eyes and leaned over to see America before deadpanning,"Get it together. You DO realize that words have a certain affect on people right? Russia's about to blow you over the head."His words seemed to be true to Mira's word, that he is a sharp talker. But something tells some of the countries he's trying to advise America not to say those words like that, specifically to Russia.


Trigger Warning: Suicide
          Lily stared at the scene before her in horror, everything was slow motion and she still remembered that day, if she could just be quick enough, she could stop it. The snow glistened and sparkled like dragon's scales and faerie's wings as it gently fell from the sky, the woods were joyous and alive, squirrels mingling with birds and tigers playing with pixies, Lily ran towards her younger self, desperately trying to catch up to her, but she was too late. Baby Lily stepped on the moving plate and fell, her parents ran to her, only to get shot by the poisoned arrows as everything her clan ever told her echoed through her head. "Murderer!!!!!" "How could you do that to your own parents, (c-word)!?" "F-ing a-hole!!!!!! Just die already!!!!!!!" "How could you be so heartless!?!?!?! Just k-ll yourself!!!!!!!! The world would be better off if you did!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lily clutched her head, trying to get it to stop, then watched as her younger self tried to revive her parents, but they only looked at her with love in her eyes, not blaming her at all, even though they should, after all, they were right, she murdered them, never mind that it was an accident, it was still her fault!!!! Her father kissed her two-year-old self on the cheek. "Thus with a kiss...I die..." he said as he and her mother died from the poison, leaving her forever.
          Lily woke up with a gasp and then let out a strangled sob. She couldn't do this anymore...it hurt too much, then she noticed a pistol under her bed, one that Ivan kept around for self-defense, and it was loaded. Ivan came in the room looking for Lily, frantically, just now noticing the signs she was displaying, only to hear a gunshot and for a fatally wounded Lily to land in his arms, gun and a letter falling out of her hand.


@HistoreEternelle that's okay XD no hard feelings. I'm glad you're okay. //


(I'm not, this is something that's going to appear in To Be Free later, I would have PMed you, but I wasn't thinking. Sorry).


@HistoreEternelle I'd rather not rp anything suicidal. It tends to put me in a frame of mind I don't like being in that I'm trying to not have. If you're feeling that way please get help. //


Fun fact: In some versions of Greek Mythology, Hephaestus divorced Aphrodite and she married Ares, but she was unfaithful to him as well, but Ares never divorced her as far as I know.


@ofritesofpassage I'm thinking Aphrodite is polyamorous, and that's why.


Anastasia walked along the sidewalks as she looks up at the black skies that teamed with clouds that clapped with lightning and flashed so vividly it almost blinded the young woman. She sighs and fiddles with the musical the gift that she had been given.


"Horrible,"the goddess says with a scowl."I really needed chocolate or something."


@InnaTheArtist Aphrodite decorated her own hair with roses. "How are you doing?!" 


The other young lady blinked and shook her head."Erm, hi."


Lily stitched Ivan's heart back into his chest, seeing as it fell out again, and did so in a way that would ensure it stayed there, Apollo supervising the prodecure. "Be more careful, sunshine." she whispered softly, then warned him, "This might sting a little," she whispered, as she sealed his chest back up, the needle pricking him slightly. "You really should have come to me sooner, I'm an expert at sewing and Apollo is a family friend, and your heart was loose and your chest was torn." Apollo performed a ritual to ensure that the stitches would never unravel and his heart would not fall out again. Then Lily touched his forehead and Ivan woke up from his magically induced sleep. Ivan was still a bit groggy, but when he woke up, there was no more hole in his chest and his heart was permanently back in place. and his heartache from his past hurt less and some of his sanity had come back.


@ofritesofpassage Lily pulled away when air was needed, and then she looked pretty excited. "When do you want to get married? Should we make plans or elope immediately? I have quite a few white dresses, I can wear your favorite, the sexy one that brings out my curves and breasts in the way you like best, but the last time I wore it, one of them fell out. Am I getting bigger or did your favorite dress shrink in the wash? Oh, we have to tell Kat and Nattie. They'll want to be there." she was more talkative than she had ever been and Apollo looked at Ivan earnestly. "I've never seen her this happy, please, don't ever hurt her. I won't do anything, but I will be very upset. I'm close to her uncle Elrond. He will do something, and he's serious about his family, Lily's all he has left, but is forbidden to see her by the elven community for Lily's so-called 'crime', so he and Lily keep in touch by letter, and they tell each other everything in the same way she tells you everything, and trust me, you don't want her uncle Elrond on your bad side."


@HistoreEternelle Ivan happily kissed her, spinning her around. 


@ofritesofpassage Lily smiled brighter than Apollo, for the first time in awhile, she looked happy. She embraced Ivan, picking him up and spinning him around. "Kiss me, my darling." she cried, tears of joy streaming down her face while Apollo just shook his head and smiled.


positivity chain! )
          when you get this, you have to answer five things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to ten of your favorite followers!


Sksk hai!/
          "Aphrodite, right?"the goddes said, her brown hair falling into her face. She looked pale with the time spent on being with her husband who was ruling out the Underworld. Flowers sprang and bloomed beautifully at her feet. She had bright innocent brown eyes that shifted from sadness to confusion. Persephone had ran away once she saw her husband being with another woman, the image still searing through her mind.


Elizabeth looked at the skies, feathery red hair flying before she looked at Dylan, who had a sad and distant look in her eyes,"Your not okay, aren't you?"She asked bluntly. The other girl scoffed and folded her arms."I just have my memories tampered, what do you think?" Elizabeth sighs and nodded."I know, my mom's not the best when it comes to helping people with memories...And my dad has no idea." "You didn't tell him?" "No way, besides...It's fine. He's had enough. I don't need to..annoy him like that."


@InnaTheArtist (Actually, James belongs to a friend, he's letting me borrow him).
            James shrugged and sighed in response to Apollo's comments, having just silently observed the conversation while Jade was busy looking at the meteor shower. "It's fine, Uncle. I get that a lot. Zeus was surprised when he saw Artemis looking envious of the other demigod children, being the goddess of childbirth, so Zeus was the one who informed her of the existence of sperm banks and gave her his blessing, but warned her to hide while she carried me to term, lest her admirers start to go after her." Jade sighed, as though longing for someone. "Dad, I miss you...it's becoming easier to deal with the pain, but it'll never stop hurting..." James stepped up to Jade and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I miss him too. You doing okay? I mean, you just got out of the hospital a few weeks back because of their mean words. Maybe you should quit school and get a real job where no one will bully you into jumping off bridges." Jade tensed up when James brought this up, hoping no one had heard. "I'd rather not deal with everyone knowing of my teachers bullying me right now, but yeah, I'm probably going to quit school now that they've taken it this far. I'll help Primilla with her political career so she can be president one day instead. I just hope they won't get in the way." "Don't worry about your mean teachers anymore. I sent them a present, let's just say, the late Gaston Legume is better off than them now, and he dead." James replied cheekily. "It wasn't just them..." Jade replied sadly. "Your stepmom being a control freak again? I'll talk to her."


@InnaTheArtist Jason smiled at her being cute and kissed her head. 


"  you are the greek goddess ,
          right ? my ... what do they say ?
          equivalent ?  " venus said , a
          hint of amusement in her voice .


@oftheseafoam "Yes. How interesting.*


; ♛     ➢ @ofritesofpassage 
            "  two different aspects of 
            love , i suppose .  "


@oftheseafoam Aphrodite gave ger a small smile back. "Yes, we do seem to be quite different. I love that hair. It's ridiculous, we're definitely not the same deity."