
So, hear me out. Y'all already know that I want to start a fifth book. Originally, it was going to be about the SMP. But over the course of time I had more ideas, so I need y'all's help.
          	1: Stick with the SMP idea
          	2: apocalypse AU. A nice change of pace where I can maybe, maybe not, add tons of death.
          	3: suicide AU. The rules are simple, they have to try to die. The person who dies in the strangest way wins. But it can't be planned, HAS to be an accident. The winner's family gets a big chunk of money.
          	4: mission AU. I haven't thought to far into this one, but I figured it could be pretty much based off of spies and undercover agents and whatnot. Thought it be fun to do.
          	These are all the ideas I had. Tell me which one y'all think is the best, and I'll probably do it, once I wrap some of my other books up.


@notShrek21 i was gonna actually do an Apocalypse AU XD


if u look at the post bellow me. can i borrow the one u wont use XP


@MagicalYsabella sure! I will warn you tho, I might end up making a book off of all of them in the near future! So if your fine with writing similar AUs, yeah! It doesn't bother me too much tho! Hope that made sense, xd


So, hear me out. Y'all already know that I want to start a fifth book. Originally, it was going to be about the SMP. But over the course of time I had more ideas, so I need y'all's help.
          1: Stick with the SMP idea
          2: apocalypse AU. A nice change of pace where I can maybe, maybe not, add tons of death.
          3: suicide AU. The rules are simple, they have to try to die. The person who dies in the strangest way wins. But it can't be planned, HAS to be an accident. The winner's family gets a big chunk of money.
          4: mission AU. I haven't thought to far into this one, but I figured it could be pretty much based off of spies and undercover agents and whatnot. Thought it be fun to do.
          These are all the ideas I had. Tell me which one y'all think is the best, and I'll probably do it, once I wrap some of my other books up.


@notShrek21 i was gonna actually do an Apocalypse AU XD


I'M BACK!!! It's 2 am right now so I'll catch up on everything tomorrow, XD. But thank you all so much for all the support <3. Y'ALL ARE THE BEST!!!! :DDD








I'm so sorry to any body I haven't responded to yet! I'm going to be gone for a little bit sadly :(. I'll hopefully be back soon. But because I'm leaving for a bit I will be unable to respond to comments or update my books. See y'all soon hopefully :)


@notShrek21 it okay see you soon also stay safe 


That's alright, see you soon :) Remember to stay hydrated, and take care! <3


@notShrek21 oki! it's fine! see ya later <3


you have more followers than me. holy crap ;-;


I just got followed by a bunch of random people, and now I have 68 followers. O_o what?


@Dollfaceqt111213 nah, you weren't a rando. Just a whole lot of other randos, XD