
Your covers are absolute gold. I love them! What font do you use?


@nndiha Thank you so much! I'm sorry for imposing on you. I use Canva too but its hard for me to try out every font and some fonts which I really like end up being paid. 
            Anyway, thank you again. I appreciate this!


@ahkaswrites That's alright. My covers are made using Canva so the fonts come from Canva, except for The Divinity Game and An Ember Among Shadows which I downloaded from Dafont. 
            Fantasmical: Moonlight
            Child of evil: Essays1743
            Ties that bind & Tea room: Granaina
            Ember among shadows: Crows
            The Divinity Game: either Bristol Maver or La Vieste. I forgot which one and they kinda look alike lol. I should note that the little purple diamond deco on the font is added on using Canva. They do not come with the font file.