
Hey guys, little update on why i suck butt and didn't update for half a dang year. I just moved from Florida all the way to Nebraska. Yippie how fun (not it was a 3 day long car ride with 3 dogs and 3 cats... we snuck them into hotels like ninjas and left their pee behind XD -totally inconspicuous) Also i've been studying Japanese and applying for scholarships to GO to japan. Plus. comeon guys i made friends. REAL ONES with arms, and legs, and those things called noses. But in all honesty i got a job at a library so i work with books all day and read to kids on weekends. I dont wanna come home to look at more words xD. But i will be updating weekly now. Unless i forget.
          	I'll forget. xD


Hey guys, little update on why i suck butt and didn't update for half a dang year. I just moved from Florida all the way to Nebraska. Yippie how fun (not it was a 3 day long car ride with 3 dogs and 3 cats... we snuck them into hotels like ninjas and left their pee behind XD -totally inconspicuous) Also i've been studying Japanese and applying for scholarships to GO to japan. Plus. comeon guys i made friends. REAL ONES with arms, and legs, and those things called noses. But in all honesty i got a job at a library so i work with books all day and read to kids on weekends. I dont wanna come home to look at more words xD. But i will be updating weekly now. Unless i forget.
          I'll forget. xD