
I feel the need to say this because there are stupid people out here. Your religion, will, beleif and God only applies to you. 
          	I'm tired of seeing innocent people murder.
          	If anything you believe in says it ok to kill people or forces your beliefs or will on others then I would ask you to question if it is worth believe in/ supporting.


I feel the need to say this because there are stupid people out here. Your religion, will, beleif and God only applies to you. 
          I'm tired of seeing innocent people murder.
          If anything you believe in says it ok to kill people or forces your beliefs or will on others then I would ask you to question if it is worth believe in/ supporting.


I felt the need to say this so here it goes thank you to the members of the LGBTQ+ community. Thank you for fighting for are right to get married and so much more. You guys help made it so I didn't feel ashamed of who I was, because of the way I was raised. You told me i was beautiful just the way i am and made me fall in love with this part of myself. Strangers have made me feel welcomed and excepted. So to all the people who made that possible thank you. Just now that I will care on your legacy and help anyone I can feel as loved as you guys made me feel. I hope you all know just how much you're are impacting peoples lives. 


Does anyone know the name of this book? First of I believe it is published, and the story line something like this. The queen has I child and the child gets assignated, and the queen finds out and wont leave the child nursery, while one day a nightingale (not 100% that's the right bird) flew through the window and land on the child (bed or crib) and start singing. It did this for a long time. But then started not showing up every day, so the queen was curious and followed it and it was with a child and the queen took the child back to her home. That all I remember of the top of my head, so does anyone know this book by any chance,


this message may be offensive
I apologize for this rant but I'm angry so deal with it. So I really wanted this particular present for Christmas, and I dropped major hints to my mom because she does the shopping. While apparently it does match up with her "Christian" values (I'm not Christian) so instead of being like hay I'm not going to get you that because of said reasons, she decides just to tell all of my family members not to get it for me! I just found out today, after talking with my siblings and am pissed she dragged them into this. So I decided to buy it my self. Because I'm a grown up with grown up money. What is this unholy item is this you ask, it's a fuck black and white bed spread. It's only some what "witchy". 
          Ok thank you for listening to my rant 
          Oh and I understand this is stupid and petty, but I have a habit of fixating on shit and my person is sleep because it's 2:30am and I can't sleep.


Hi! I just wanted to drop by and say tysm 4 reading, voting and commenting on my book Vicious Fangs and sequel! The a lot to me! Hope you're enjoying and keep reading! Also, I'd really appreciate it as a writer here if you took a minute to go back and vote on all the parts you didn't!
          And thanks 4 following me too! Have a nice day :)


@nightingale32 Omg thanks so much!means a lot hearing that! ❤ Please do take just a minute to go and vote on all the parts then since as a wattpad writer here, the stats matter lol. I'd really appreciate it!


@SkylerChase29 omg I spent the last few days trying trying to finish both of your books. Your such a great writer! Your books had me staying up 2am to finish them.


Does anyone else family make it hard not to deck them in the faces. I had a conversation with my grandfather about family and apparently family to him are only those who are blood related. Making all family members by marriage, half cousins and adopted cousins not family acording to the conversation we just had. where to me anyone that has been their through out my life or cares about me blood or not is family, and we can chose which who are family is. Like my bff I have know sence I was 4ish is family to me.


@nightingale32 / true, they have those opinions but i think family need not tobe blood related rather its bond or love that make us family


Hi I have a question for my lgbtq+ people  I want to know what your feeling are about straight people using the excuse that they are gay when people keep hitting on them and won't leave them alone. To get them to stop.  My friend and I were talking about this and had different stances so I thought I would ask other people their opinions on the matter.


@nightingale32 I'm a bit late to this but I'm straight and this excuse is sometimes the only thing that makes them leave me alone. It's horrible but when I'm desperate and even blocking them doesn't work I use this