
I'm really excited for the DLC and I've been trying to finish Security Breach completely for it. The thought of losing all my progress though while I can't save sikes me out though. I absolutely hate Roxy's boss section too, ugh.


I'm really excited for the DLC and I've been trying to finish Security Breach completely for it. The thought of losing all my progress though while I can't save sikes me out though. I absolutely hate Roxy's boss section too, ugh.


NEW CHAPTER OF MY FNAF THOUGHTS. This time it's about the movie and ultimate custom night. If y'all have any thoughts about those two, feel free to comment what you think or if you don't want to do it in the comments my DMS are open


It's kinda weird playing video games before YouTubers do or at least before they put out those videos. I've been playing High On Life and it's so good. I knew Jacksepticeye wanted to play it but he hasn't put anything out yet.


Thnx Heaven for putting I'm a Cyborg's Pet on to your wonderfully named reading list.  Reading that again it looks a bit weird. but as relatively new authors always get a wonderful sense of excitement every time someone finds our work. Please enjoy the book. It's good to know people like you are out there.
          It really means a lot to us RK+Reb