
MYNEW PROFILE IS CPNisBKS if you want to follow????


can someone do me a cover for untold myths and lies plus i would like someone to sing, this is the poem at the beginning it is called untold truth and lies and the poem is dreams:
          Listen to your mind not your heart,
          Heart is for those who are deeply in love.
          Your mind creates your dreams!
          Magic, comes from what you see,
          Not from what you believe.
          Its imagination what it is.
          Nightmares cause pain and suffering
          But solves the restless mind,
          Amazing what dreams can do!
          Next part is the next chapter which I have not fished but poem is completed
          Power is who we are,
          This has neither start nor endings.
          I am fire but not heat
          You are ashes as i am not
          My power hurts you,
          But not from the heart.
          I am incinerate!


my new book is called Untold myths and lies,  my Facebook writing group are posting a word each week and either and new character follows or not, but not publish any yet till i have a few. if want to create a cover u can