
i’ve never felt so miserably lost before. my emotions are like unexpected tidal waves attacking my thoughts and drowning my heart in pain. i feel so alone. i know this helpless, suffocating feeling is only temporary, but it hurts. it hurts so bad. it feels endless and i just want it to be over. 


@TheChill_Pixel  thank you. I’m still hanging in there. i hope all is well with you too. 


@my_macaroni_hurts I hope you’re okay ):❤️❤️❤️


I have surprisingly never gotten this question before. Props to you, lol. Well, it all started one peaceful day when I was calmly relaxing in my humble abode. It was a grey world outside and the sky was quietly crying, shedding its gentle tears upon my windows. I was soothed in the warmth of my house, but was unaware of the future events that were about to take place. I had made myself the most heavenly bowl of Kraft mac n cheese. But right as I was about to indulge in the delightful, golden cheese paradise, a sudden and large rumble from the sky shook my house and continued to awaken more eruptions from the glowering clouds. In my startled state, my hands jolted, causing the contents of cheesy misfortune to spill over my bare legs. This would not have been a problem if it wasn’t fresh off the stove and still steaming with its radiating clouds of white that dissipated into the air. So naturally, I screamed my ever loving head off and threw the satan bowl into the floor and dashed into my kitchen to relieve myself with some cold water. In the midst of my chaos, my father came to my side and asked what had happened. In my delirious state of shock, pain, sobs, and tears, I couldn’t make coherent English. So I pointed at my legs and simply said through tears, “MY MACARONI HURTS”. So that, my friend, is when my macaroni began to hurt. Of course, by macaroni, meaning my scorched legs, but I’m sure the macaroni had hurt feelings from being flung from its home and trampled and screamed at as well. 


i’ve never felt so miserably lost before. my emotions are like unexpected tidal waves attacking my thoughts and drowning my heart in pain. i feel so alone. i know this helpless, suffocating feeling is only temporary, but it hurts. it hurts so bad. it feels endless and i just want it to be over. 


@TheChill_Pixel  thank you. I’m still hanging in there. i hope all is well with you too. 


@my_macaroni_hurts I hope you’re okay ):❤️❤️❤️