
yo why am i unfollowing people? 
          	@wattpad th?


taking another hiatus. this might be the end :((( 
          indefinite this time


@mossflesh :/ well I wish you a happy life and if you ever do choose to return we will all be here :)


@mossflesh we'll still be here if you ever decide to come back <33


Someone just unfollowed me and I cannot find who it is. Wattpad, this another glitch?


@enexex damn they gotta fix this stuff up


@mossflesh it's been having a glitch for me where it unfollow people and it then follows them back or something. 


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          just a thing:
          i'm sort of doing shit and my writing has been falling too
          it's not really doing good
          you can tell from this post
          idk how i'm gonna do
          might make the hiatus last til may, but idk
          i'm going to try to push myself but i can't promise it'll be amazing
          bye for now ig


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ii am a little late, about maybe a few days, but i do want to talk about what wilbur soot did to shelby, his ex-girlfriend. 
          if you don't know who i'm talking about, wilbur soot and shelby are content creators on youtube known for their minecraft letsplays that i have been invested in for far too long.
          there was a video on youtube i recently saw come out about wilbur soot and the abuse that he did to shelby and some of his other friends. wilbur would bite people, a lot, and it would hurt, a lot. it was to the point that people would get bruise marks and sometimes start gagging. wilbur would also gaslight shelby, which by the way is also really bad.
          wilbur eventually released an apology out on twitter (or x, whatever you call it) about like what happened, and how he's been taking therapy for it. i can't really say he said sorry though since it wasn't really proper. it's like you punched someone in the face and said "sorry bro." like it's not real, not genuine. 
          now i've known about wilbur soot for a long time. i've known him long enough to call him the dirty crime boy, the  dirty crime boy. i've known him long enough to know about the vlog gun, and what he did to it. but i have never thought that he would do something so insidious. i loved him (/p.)  i looked up to him. i idolised him. in my eyes, he was an amazing person. he was the  person. but i can't say i hate him. what he did to shelby is unforgiveable and horrible, and should never be validated. but he's a part of my childhood, and it's a hard thing to let go. it's really hard for me to move on, if you get it. i can't completely imagine what it'll be like without those stupid yet hilarious jokes he used to tell, those stupid bits he used to pull. but i'll have to make do, ' have to make do.
          i really fucking miss him. in an odd way, it's kind of like he's died. that's sort of what happens to people to get cancelled, right?
          wilbur soot, the man that was, our childhood.


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So I have a problem. My problem is that I have been overworking myself to the point that my writing is pretty shit now. I've been trying to get things to work even though it is far outside my level. You can tell that even in this announcement my writing is suffering. 
          So I'm just going to take a one month hiatus. I'll start uploading again on April 1st. 
          Hoping all is well, Gertreude.

          Hello dear can you please check out my story and give me your reviews it means a lot thank you and sorry for posting here without permission 


@Purple_universe1997 yeah i'll definitely try it out when i have the time :)