i LOVE my imperfections :)

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.

Missy Garcia Gabres

It teArs Me up i Tried 2 hold on but it hurts too Much.. i tRied to 4give but Its Not Enough 2 make it all Okey u cant feel anything that your HEART d0nt wAnt 2 feel.. i cant tel you something that aint real....

It'X aLwAys a cHaLlen6e 2 dEsCribe mYseLf, bUt I'Ll tRy 2 be 0bjEctiVe..1st of alL I c0nsiDer mySeLf a Lady..I can SimpLy dEsCribEd mYsLf aS kiNd 0f w0mAn hU'z open-hEartEd, h0nEst, EnthUsiasTic, kiNd aNd I aM swEet Lo0kin6 y0uNg LaDy w/ r0mAntiC & eAsy g0iNg sEekin6 4 a nyC frIenD.. I cAn c0nsiDer mysLf as a 0pEn w0man 2 hEr friEndS,2 hEr FamiLy & yEs 2 hEr spEciaL sUm1 As weLl..I Lav d c0mpAny 0f mY freNdz as I c0nsiDer mYseLf as A d0wn 2 eArth w0mAn.. "PLASTIK AQ SA MGA TA0NG PLASTIK" ^-^
  • JoinedJune 28, 2013

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