
The Affair of Pretense is finally COMPLETED! It has been a long journey with this one, but I hope you enjoyed Georgie and Denver's romance as much as I did. Thank you so much for all your support and patience throughout these years. See you all in my next novel! x


 @Edorenel Thank you so much! I hope you find an ample time to write again and enjoy every bit of it. 


@missphipps, woo-hoo! Congrats! :D It feels great when one accomplishes finishing their story. :) I'm hoping to do the same with my historical fiction romance novel "A Memory of a Kiss". Life has been hectic for so long, and only now have I recently returned to writing. I have missed it.



Hi, miss. Awesome!! You are so damn awesome, you know that right?!? I've read both of your books and am seriously obsessed with Affair of pretense and OMG!!!! My DENVER!! Seriously gurl, your talent!! I can't seem to get enough of your works. I check for any new works from you like every hour! 
          Hope you are happy and healthy! Stay safe and awesome always!