
Have you thought about doing an Originals/Twilight crossover story?


@StephFaust I am currently planning a Twilight/Harry Potter crossover and was thinking that after they are done with the events of those stories that they might head to Mystic Falls. But they would be more of the reluctant participants who only help out to ensure that the many "do this or I will destroy the town" threats are not carried out. Mainly because I hate Elana and don't like it when everyone rushes to help her in anyway they can. But first I actually have to write the Twilight/Harry Potter crossover and figure out how the Twilight vamps rate in relation to the Vampire Diaries before I can even begin to plan writing out that one.


If you have time can you do a demetri story?


@Awhalen2006 Possibly, but right now I have just started a crossover fic that I want to try writing so I won't be able to get to it for a long time as I am going to be working all summer which is going to really cut down on the time I have to write.


Not meaning to rush you just asking so I know it is His Cat, Her Major still continuing ? Like you're just taking a break correct ?.


@SharitaPatterson Yes sorry, I have been sick as a dog all week and had zero energy to work on it. But I'm slowly getting better and will hopefully be able to get back to posting regularly! Sorry for the delay!