
this message may be offensive
He thought I'm a girl with that kind of of shit attitude well he's absolutely dumb. He play easy, I play hard guess who is the winner? He was heartbroken. Serves u right. U deserved that. After what u did to me from previous year. Boy, boy, boy. 


this message may be offensive
He thought I'm a girl with that kind of of shit attitude well he's absolutely dumb. He play easy, I play hard guess who is the winner? He was heartbroken. Serves u right. U deserved that. After what u did to me from previous year. Boy, boy, boy. 


Hey there,
           thanks for the follow♥️ Since you are a bookworm if you get time please check out my book extrication♥️


@miss-erika I'll definitely read it♥️


@Hazeema011 ok i probably will. mind checking out my book? 