
@cupcakelove135 Thanks so much! I wanted something that combined my love of reading and music. So I googled a picture. :D


Don't mean to push other anything but I was just wondering if you have any plans of updating soon? I know school is probably a lot on our plate plus your actual social life but I just saw  Wishful Thinking in my archive and started wondering what happened. Anyway, hope everything works out well for you! :)


@sha072098 Oh my goodness, how did I not see this?! Suuuuuper sorry. Yeah, school and work are killers. But I definitely have not forgotten. I'm slowly but surely working on the next installment. I just told myself that I wouldn't post the chapter till I got to a certain part, and has taken longer than expected to reach that part. Gosh, I feel awful, I didn't even get a notification. I had no idea you contacted me. I am so sorry!


Well, the newest chapter of Wishful Thinking is up, if anyone wanted to know. ;D Sorry for the wait. Also, if anyone has a particular story they want me to update, I'll see what I can do. I'm just not sure which people read.