Hey! I'm Maria Chears. I'm currently a 14 year old freshman. I'm boy crazy. I know almost everything there is to know about One Direction. My favorite One Direction member has been Niall ever since I started watching Jacksepticeye on YouTube. He's irish too and his craziness got me into irish accents and people. Thank you Jacksepticeye! My favorite series that Jacksepticeye has made is Happy Wheels. I don't really watch PewDiePie anymore because he's extremely famous and has a girlfriend. I know, I know, he's too old for me. I DON"T CAREEEEE!!! (see what I did there... hehe) Anyways, my favorite series that PewDiePie has made is Bully. My favorite YouTuber is Sam Pottorff. He's so hot!!! I really want to meet him someday... ( :) ) The most played song that I listen to is When She Calls by, Sam Pottorff. He's such a great singer!!! Ok, I'm going to try to stop fangirling. *walks into the corner and fangirls* Ok, I'm good. My favorite color is blue. When I'm older, I want to get married and have 0 kids. I will need money for me and my future husband, taxes, and the house. I'm planning on going to college before I get married. I love reading One Direction Fanfiction, vampire stories, and romance novels. I love taking One Direction quizzes <3!!! My favorite Subject is Math. I'm currently in Algebra 1. My MovieStarPlanet is mariachears26. Please add me, I need friends. Well, I guess that's it. I hope I didn't bore you too much. Bye! <3
  • Chesterfield, Michigan
  • JoinedJanuary 31, 2015