
I’m like having a teen wolf renaissance so I may update some of those stories because I’ve been getting hella motivation but I’m not promising anything I’ve just been rewatching teen wolf and would love to continue some of my stories!


I’m like having a teen wolf renaissance so I may update some of those stories because I’ve been getting hella motivation but I’m not promising anything I’ve just been rewatching teen wolf and would love to continue some of my stories!


Okay I know I haven’t been on here it a while, I’ve been having some mental health issues and having all these stories felt like it was crushing so I have made the descion to discontinue them. I know it’s disappointing but I’ve left most of the fandoms and have no interest in the. 
          But if anyone wants to take control of the stories just dm me and you can because just cuz I can’t continue to make these stories doesn’t mean someone else can’t.


It’s good that you’re putting yourself first, lovely! 


But I may be making more stories with the fandoms I’ve been in but idk.


Tbh the most underrated ghost face is Roman. I mean he did all of that by HIMSELF. Like people like shitting Scream 3 but low key it’s kinda high in rankings for me. It’s just so camp. 


He’s also the reason Billy did it, like he started it all! And people say he isn’t a good ghostface. 


FACTS! Roman is cool I liked him. 


It’s so weird the my favorite characters in The Boys are the girls (Starlight, Queen Maeve, and Kimiko). Don’t get me wrong I love (some) of the men on their, but the girls in my top 5.


@-natalics yep and mothers milk for me at least! 


i haven’t finished the show (i’m on s2) & i agree 100%. i don’t like any of the guys except MAYBE frenchie on a good day 


!!! NEW THEME !!! 


and it’s your birthday?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVELY!!




this message may be offensive
Happy international woman’s day to every woman out there. 
          As we are on the topic I also want to say a happy international womans day to Trans woman. People who think trans woman aren’t woman can just go fuck the selves to be honest.
          Also a happy international woman’s day to Woman of Color as I know that a lot WOC aren’t included on this and I know as a white woman I can’t speak on topics like these and I just wanted to wish my fellow woman and especially to the WOC a happy international women’s day. 


I legit just got a homophobia and transphobia ad on my YouTube basically saying “biological men” shouldn’t be allowed in woman’s restrooms and homeless shelters for women. Then they go on and saying that gay people shouldn’t adopt because a child needs a mother and a father in a COMMITTED relationship. It pissed me off so much. 
          What’s even weirder I’m watching one of the gayest men on YouTube (ZZAVID)


@romanismysoul I have no clue and what’s weird is that it’s not my first ad that was weird. A few months ago I got a pro life ad. I don’t follow any thing that has to do with pro life since I’m pro choice. It just pissed me off because I wanted to watch the video and then it ruined my whole mood. 


@majesticmccall wtf why would youtube even advertise that in the first place??