
Hey, since you guys are a big fan of Eminem fan fiction, I’ve also written a story about him. It’s about a teacher (Eminem) and has a crush on a 15 year old girl. She goes to a party, get drunk and kiss. It’s way more exciting and cooler than it sounds. But you should check it out. It’s called ‘Mr. Mathers’. You can search it up, or just click on my profile and you’ll see it;)


Did you delete your book? Cause I’m trying to get on it and it’s not letting me. 


Yes I was trying to read it. My friend and I absolutely love your book. You don’t have to change anything you did cause I respect your decision :) 


@ShadySavedMe I unpublished it. I still have everything in my drafts. It was just a heavy weight on my shoulders because I've grown to dislike my book more and more, especially the first half of it. It still being on the internet bothered me. I'm sorry, were you trying to read it? 