
@SwagHENOK223 thanks ( ^ω^ )


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Okay so I would like to apologize about what I said last night. I was looking through old notifications and when I saw tat I got mad and I just ranted. I rant a lot. I know you probably wont accept this but... idk how do this im bad at apologizing. if you do at least I will be happy knowing I have one less person wanting me to kill myself and wanting to spit on my grave.


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@teamsingleleader ok seriously that's fucking low to hate someone online, especially over something they did ages ago, have you ever heard of actually being nice which is what Gretel is and if you think otherwise I am extremely confused, for you to call Gretel a mortal is just some plain muggle shit, go stick your muggle ass up your mother fucking anus
          And p.s. If you seriously think otherwise of Gretel not nice I think you really need to rethink your life