
i'm leaving for camp on Tuesday and I'm lowkey a little nervous


Every single sophomore in my school is fighting right now. Basically we do sophomore debates and this year the topic was cheating and school policy.
          There was a legit cheating scandal in the debate...and the topic was cheating. But the team didn't actually cheat, someone just framed them ish. Its hard to explain but now every sophomore is fighting with each other.


Yall you won't believe what happened today.
          My stalker said they wanted to go a party, so I said Id take them if they told me who they were. So we made plans to meet at a park, but they told me not to bring anyone. But of course I brought back-up, including my boyfriend. and they did pretty good hiding but then my stalker BAILED on me after seeing my backup, so i went back home.
          and then this kid named blake who is also getting stalked texted me asking if i met them and i was like no this person is a wimp
          i had such a crazy day


@TheAnalogyQueen they literally texted saying they have no friends its pathetic


@madalyn1800 Oh. Well, hopefully this stalker of yours finds a hobby or something and stops cause like??? That’s so weird??? Friendless behavior honestly


stop i now have so many ops at school
          this is not ok


@madalyn1800 Omg dude I don’t know how they got the nerve to do what they do. Bunch of crazies


@TheAnalogyQueen no me too. like i got added into some random group chat wit upperclassmen and now the whole friend group is knows me and its like they're all my ops atp bc like who tf do they think they r


stop im literally getting stalked rn wtf
          some random anonymous number keep adding me into gcs with people from my school its so weird
          and my opps sister texted me through my opps snapchat...about the group chat...but howd she know i was in the roup chat bc my opp and his sister doesnt have my number
          life is so weird oml


Why did my boyfriend just throw me into my pool...
          Anyway I just wrote a 7 page book analysis in 1 hour and 30 minutes which is a record because normally that stuff takes me a whole week. and now I'm redoing the same assignment for the 3rd time because i keep getting a D on it. yay


@madalyn1800 well that’s a little better lmao
            I have a love-hate relationship with swim bc I love it and my teammates so much but then it’s so painful and practice is literally hell T-T


@swim_read_repeat iw as wearing pajamas when he threw me into the pool so it wasn;t to bad
            and dayum swim practice seems painful i could never tbh. i used to swim before covid and i gave up after


@madalyn1800 …..hopefully you weren’t wearing clothes and/or expensive electronic items-
            And yay I’m glad you finished that! But that sucks abt the assignment you have to redo :(
            My day was ok actually :D
            Except for the 8x100 best stroke (fly T-T) and 6x100 worst stroke that we had to do today at practice *sob*


I went to Young Life today because its the last one till next fall...
          Lets just say I have shaving cream, banana, ketchup, sprite, and watermelon chunks in my hair...
          Shaving cream, ketchup, and tomato on my tshirt, 
          Banana in my ear
          Raw egg mixed with sprite in my mouth (i almost threw up in front of 100 people)
          And yes, I did go to McDonalds looking like that
          I love my life


@Cheshire_SK We had a little bit of a food fight game going on. Which I kenw was gonna happen but I didn't think it was gonna be that bad.


What on earth did you do?!?! *visible concern*