
@NimiDW @BoBo99 @MorganaPendragon @xoyou_are_a_ninjaox 
          	Thank you, all of you. I'm not very good at the whole thanking thing so I'm sorry if I'm not sounding very grateful, but I am so touched that all of you cared enough to make me feel better. Thank you all so much. I couldn't ask for any better people to call my friends. Thank you all so much. 
          	Luvya all xox


Thank you for reading my rant and caring. It means a lot for someone to care aboout it. Thank you for all your kind words, i couldn't help but smile at each comment.<3
          @xoyou_are_a_ninjaox I know we dont really know each other, which is why it meant so much that you would care about my problems. Thank you for all your words. And hahahah for the food thing :) Thank you x
          @MorganaPendragon Thanks a billionn for reading my rant and giving me support I , thanks a buillion!! x
          @BoBo99 And I already thanksed you but thank you again. All that support was extrremely helping! x
          For everyone that helped me  thank you so much for all the support!! You would not know how much you helped me. xox


Miss Peiris, we need to talk. Your rant (which I just read, can't you tell!) Is totally untrue and uncalled for! You are one of the most beautiful and nice girls I have ever met, and you have been an amazing friend to me, through the good times and the bad! You are not fat, you just have a healthy appreciation for food and girlfriend, that is totally okay! Thinking these kinds of thoughts, while depressing, is all part of growing up and you are not alone, despite what you may think! You have an amazing group of friends (yours truly included!) who will stick by you no matter, and you just gotta remember that babe, and not care what other people think and say about you, because they have no idea what kind of person you are! If you ever feel upset or overwhelmed, know this! You can always come and talk to me, no matter what the problem and please remember that I will always be there for you! I love you so much Vee, and don't you ever forget it! Bo xoxo


          Don't ever, ever, ever think like that!! I want you around, and I DO NOT think your fat. OK so I know just saying it might not help, but you have my support! You can talk to me baby, I WILL listen. You might be crazy (Who isn't?) but shallow is not a word to describe you, not at all. Your such a great friend to others, you listen to everyone, so don't you think they will listen to you?
          I may not know you very well but, I don't want you to feel this way, YOU DON'T NEED TO! (Just by the way, right now, I'm a little bit more than loooopy)
          Any guy would be stupid to not like you, you are amazing. like amazing-amazing!
          Luv you hun <3
          Morgues xxx <3
          (I think you profile picture is amazing, I just got to read it now...)


Hey luvsfriends4eva! :) I just read your 'rant' and guurrl it is nott shallow or meaningless or anything! 
          Sometimes you just gotta let go of 'silly little things' that bother you daily. Its funny becasuse i kind of went through the same thing. Im not the most thin of my friends and everyone used to say small remarks as a joke like ' shakira will finish your food for you'. It was really annoying but I used to laugh it off. And im not fat. I used to think I was and when I used to tell people they would say im crazy ( I realise now that I was actuali craaazy! )  Theres a distinct between 'fat' and average. If you can touch your knees and dont need support walking then giirl you are NOT fat! 
          At the start, your able to brush things under the carpet until they start affecting you and you become self conscious, i know, I experienced that. I couldn't wear dresses or shorts or anything because I was scared they would comment. I thought all the guys were speaking to me to get to my friends and not me because i wasnt perfect enough. It wasnt fair. I guess sometimes life just becomes unfair like that, but it doesnt mean we accept it and take it all in. Thats even more unfair. 
          You have to think of the bigger picture, what if your friends say that to get attention off themselves? What if their not fully happy with the way they look? What if one day you lose this phase of feeling fat and they gain weight? Life is SO unpredictable. Everything happens for a reason. 


And SNAP MEEE on the whole ' I love to eat' thing! I LOVE TO EAT<3 In fact, right now im eating a supersized double chocolate chip cookie for god sake! But thats okay! It's something we as humans can controll. All I had to do was eat breakfast lunch and dinner at the right time and stop snacking too much in between. I finally became 8 stone something ( I used to be around 9) . And thats average for my age. So techniically, Im average and those girls arnt. And while the super slim and 'sexy' girls are going out and finding guys that dont want them for who they are, girls like us have a personality of gold and are going to find such amazing guys! Guys that will speak to us and know who we truly are, accept our insecure sides, infact, statistics show guys often like a girls insecurity (i.e lips, eyes, weight etc) the most! Weird right? I mean, for me, It took me three years to get over it. Ive lost weight but I dont have the best figure ever. and perople, even guys, tell me im 'perfect'. But obviously i disagree because well no one thinks their perfect right? Thats because their simply is NO such thing as perfect. We all chase air. I thought no one would 'fancy me'. But then I met a guy who said if I was any different he wouldnt be attracted to me! And hes so fit! lol 
          I know this generation of alpha pervs that seek the skinny ones is scary because you think youll never find anyone because of it. But trust me, not everyones the same. Its pretty much impossible for you to 'NEVER' find a guy. Where still young. Meaning everyone just wants to have a bit of fun right now. When we are a little more older and mature, guys arnt going to want the slutty and 'perfect' girls. They'll want serious and sweet girls like you, girls who are pretty inside and out. I found mine, and you will find yours! 
          I hope that kind of helped :D 
           - Shakira. ( Givin you some LONDOON LOOOVE! ) x