
A dramione fic is out! Read “Draco’s Ordeal Into the Light” and follow Draco’s journey to redemption. Canon divergent from book 6 with flashbacks of the past to show just how improved he is. 


          Hey bubs! 
          It's been a long while since I posted anything; I apologize for the delay. Life has been a wild ride and getting back into writing was a bigger struggle than I was expecting; I can blame it on a lack of motivation/inspiration, a lingering sadness for losing a loved one, or from being distracted from family duties. I've finally gotten back into the groove, and honestly that's all that matters. I'm back and not planning on abandoning any project till they finish <3
          However, I'd love it if I could have some beta readers to help with finding my voice again with the recent  chapters I have written. If you are interested, feel free to comment here! 
          And a sincere thanks to all those who have read some or all of the stories I've put out here. All the love and support I get from y'all real means a lot and hope I can continue delivering up to your expectations! :)
          Until next time! 
          -Hiromi Riki