
"Running away.... I WALKED so screw them!" 
          	~ My bus buddy, 2k17


Healthy Coping Skills! 
          •Listen To Music
          • Read 
          • Paint 
          * Draw 
          * Scribble
          * Take a washable marker and draw lines on yourself 
          * Squeeze an ice cube 
          * Walk
          * Run 
          * Color 
          * Write about how you feel
          * Write a story 
          * Organize something 
          * Talk to a friend
          * Make your bed
          * Exercise 
          * Drink water 
          * Clean Something 
          * Take a really hot or cold shower 
          * Punch your bed or pillow 
          *  Blow bubbles 
          * Do a puzzle 
          * Chew gum 
          * Suck on a peppermint 
          * Practice deep breathing 
          * Work in a garden/flower bed
          * Do yoga
          * Sew, knit, crochet 
          * Watch a funny or inspirational movie 
          Please leave a comment if you'd like more healthy coping skills or if you have some suggestions of your own!


•look at photos from a trip/something you enjoyed 
            •talk to people 
            •read/write poetry 
            •take a nap 
            •try on outfits/plan them. 
            •get a app that helps improve mental health. I’m currently using one called Moodpath, which tracks your mood over the course of 2 weeks 
            There’s are just some methods I use 


Thank you so much


On October 1st, 2017 I was taken to the ER for suicidal thoughts and on October 2nd, 2017 I was emitted into an inpatient unit for a week. I learned so much that week. I learned that people care and that you're not alone. I learned there are so many better coping skills. I learned that death isn't the answer. That death isn't an answer. Please, if you're having suicidal thoughts, tell someone. I promise, someone cares. I'm always a message away. 


Life is scary and hard and it seems like too much at times, but trust me when I say it's worth it. I was suicidal and thought no one cared, but people do care. So many people wanted to make sure I was okay and alive. Please, reach out and talk to someone about suicidal thoughts. If you ever need someone, I'm always a message away. 


@Ryan_slytherin I'm glad it helped! That's all I want. I really hope you get better. I'm always a message away! 


@lucywuwu23 im kind of suicidal but not as much now as i used to be for the past 3 years,, it still warms my heart to see messages like this tho because it gives me hope that there really are people out there who care so thank you for posting this message <3