
I wonder if you think we could try to talk again now that we are in our 20’s. I’m not so sure what we would say, but I know that I want to listen. I never could before because I was a always just a child. Even in my teens I had no clue, and I still don’t. I know that everyone deserves to be heard, and that I could never muster the feeling of hatred. 
          	If anything, my defensiveness was because I was scared and angry. Now I am not so scared nor angry, but fulfilled. Life has changed so much. I truly with I could have known what yours was like. 
          	Thank you for always being there when we were kids.


I wonder if you think we could try to talk again now that we are in our 20’s. I’m not so sure what we would say, but I know that I want to listen. I never could before because I was a always just a child. Even in my teens I had no clue, and I still don’t. I know that everyone deserves to be heard, and that I could never muster the feeling of hatred. 
          If anything, my defensiveness was because I was scared and angry. Now I am not so scared nor angry, but fulfilled. Life has changed so much. I truly with I could have known what yours was like. 
          Thank you for always being there when we were kids.


The world was so cruel to us. We were so loving and so wondrous together. My best friends & my truest family. In the coming days I will be twenty years old, and I still cannot help but look back in time and wonder if we would have ever stayed close, if only we had healed from our pasts a bit earlier.
          It is so strange and bittersweet to think of how we are all adults now, no longer naive, and no longer wondrous. However, it comforts me knowing you must still be as loving as before; if not more, because you have allowed yourself to move on. I still occasionally miss when we were side by side, you really were family to me. Grieving is strange and difficult to understand.
          I’m not sure I can ever find a friend that meant as much to me as you did, but that is okay.


Hello everyone~, I do hope you have fantastic holidays and spend lovely times with the ones you love and care for. Even if you feel down just know that even on holidays it is okay to feel like that, just know you're not alone,
          If you are feeling down, I'd really love to hear that you'll smile again, even for a little bit.
          Happy holidays~.


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You're twelve, young and free. I laugh at your username, because you don't see how rare and beautiful it is to exist. You were born free, and you will help make this world free. Even if you aren't a huge part of it, the gears in your head are turning, twisting, thinking of all the ways you can make it better.
          If you can't see your dreams, dream a better one.
          If you can't love yourself, how are you going to love someone else?
          Don't you dare say you aren't meant to be here. If you weren't the universe would snap their fingers and send you somewhere else.
          But you're here.
          You were meant to be here.
          You're human, while all the others are inhumane. You're the heroine in the story, say fuck off to all the obstacles in your way. There are people just like you, dreaming, thinking. Wanting to erase themselves. Pick up your pencil, point a middle finger high in the air and rewrite your story. 
          We were meant to be challenged.
          To prove our worth.
          You can't win if you don't fight.
          Show the fuckers you can stop being a wimp and stomp on all their big heads as you climb to the fucking top. 
          You are the universe. Everything revolves around you. 
          Show the dark space that you can be a star.


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@smolcinnabon man, I don’t know if you’ll ever see this... but thank you. Thank you so much. I don’t even know you, you’re a stranger, but you managed to crack open the glass wall that kept me from recovery. A small instance with a huge impact. especially on the lie of a person. I’ve gone through so much shit, and I’ve been making my way back to who I am, who I lost years ago. So I just need to say thank you, for giving me hope.