
@ilovefreeclimbing thank you so much!!! I'm on my phone so I haven't looked at it yet, but I'm sure it's great!! I'll get on my computer after school


Hey, I was wondering if you wanted me to make you any covers for your books.


@louisemarkist You don't need to credit me. I enjoy making covers.


@ilovefreeclimbing ok this is literally perfect!!! I'm going to use it, I'll put the creds to you in the description. Thanks much!! ugh your skills with photobucket are beyond me....


Here's one I made, you can use it if you want. 
            I made it for fun, so if you don't like it, that's fine.


I use the website Photobucket. You download pics from the internet (or your iPod, but something) onto the website, and you can edit the photos. Add text, special effects, all that jazz. Then, you save to your computer, and then download it to wattpad as a cover. Here's a few others that I did. Notice that I used a black pic, and then added special effects.http://s1163.photobucket.com/albums/q552/Rose8313/?action=view¤t=2a6ae0b4.jpg
          and another: http://s1163.photobucket.com/albums/q552/Rose8313/?action=view¤t=a6ab7929.jpg
          But you can also do pics of celebrities. http://s1163.photobucket.com/albums/q552/Rose8313/?action=view¤t=b79381ad.jpg


@kristin1 great! Yes, I do spend an awful lot of time writing. Personally, I find it easier than talking. Weird, I know. And yes, having a couple chapters before uploading it onto wattpad is a good idea. I think it makes it easier to continue the story, because you already have a foundation. Are you coming with Bree to church any time soon? You should! Bree and I are in the same class now. Besides, tag is an awesome game.