
Everyone go follow @sentencedforlife for great stories!!!! Working on new material, sorry I have been so inactive!! ❤️❤️


Hey darling! 
          Thank you so much for your follow! I noticed we're in the same book club eh? Let's have fun and improve as much as we can! ^^ 
          Oh, and I saw in your bio you're a singer! Man, that's SO cool. My dad is a musician and he says one's voice is the best instrument ever - it's always with you and you can make your art wherever you go - I think it's very inspiring. And yes, I wish I could be a really great singer, but I'm not. I wonder if  that's why one of my favourite characters IS a singer, hahaha!
          Anyway - wishing you loads of success ;)
          A kiss!


 Hey, thanks for the support!! :) xox