
I updated Of Smoke and Dust, Chapter Twenty: A Snapshot of Summer, if anyone’s actually following that story. In which Maia gets jealous, Annalise falls farther from Neutrality, and Leonie is pulling all the strings, because she’s more terrifying than any twelve-year-old has a right to be.
          	QOTD: If you were to visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?


I updated Of Smoke and Dust, Chapter Twenty: A Snapshot of Summer, if anyone’s actually following that story. In which Maia gets jealous, Annalise falls farther from Neutrality, and Leonie is pulling all the strings, because she’s more terrifying than any twelve-year-old has a right to be.
          QOTD: If you were to visit anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?


I posted a new short story titled Ashes, Ashes (we all fall down). It’s a fanfiction loosely based around the Harry Potter franchise, and, just like it’s two prequels (The Lament of Flowers and Green Light) it follows a world where the Dark Lord won. 
          This particular one-shot stars Frank and Alice Longbottom.
          So, if you’re interested...yeah. Okay. It’s probably terrible, but oh well.
          QOTD: What’s the most well-written book you’ve ever read? Not whether it’s your favorite; just...what book have you read that simply had superb writing?


@littlest_nightmare  Little Women was very powerful, even though I read it when I was younger and didn't really understand it that well.


@littlest_nightmare Hmm... the Great Gatsby and Lord of The Flies, although they are my favorites, were both fantastically written! 


I am bored. Does anyone else share this feeling?


@macgrl_74 that is not a good mindset, i hate this mindset that we must always be doing something productive all the time. it is ok to be bored or unproductive. Don't feel guilty about being bored, you don't need to. And yes i get bored all the time


I have the hiccups. They’re refusing to go away.
          It’s very distracting.


@ItheCrow Yes - by now they’re gone lol


Hiccups are my least favourite thing I’ve had them up to 7 times a day and it actually starts hurting after a while. I hope they’re gone by now?