
♕ ೃ*⁀➷ hi lovelies, i was thinking of maybe putting up a new batch on my graphics shop. would any of you be interested in requesting? <3
          	also i'm sorry for not consistently being online 


♕ ೃ*⁀➷ a little update about my writing and me ig??
          hi loves, i've missed you all. i haven't been very active on this app for a bit even after getting off my hiatus. i just want to let you know i don't have any current plans to leave or stop writing. i've had a bit of a hectic and enjoyable few months, and i'm trying to balance responsibilities as well as maintain my hobbies. i hope to start writing more regularly, especially in regards to crimson queen. i also hope to start being a little more interactive on here, since i have been slacking a lot. but i hope i will start doing more on here again, because i really miss you guys. i am going to try to be slow with it so its managable on my end, but yeah. hope you've had a nice start to year my lovelies <3



♕ ೃ*⁀➷ hi lovelies! i have a bit an announcement to make. so i intend to get out the deliveries for this batch of graphics by the end of next week. then, i think i'll be going on hiatus. i don't know how long it will be for. what i'd like to do is start planning a consistent writing schedule to write my fanfics and originals, so i can actually have a schedule for when i post chapters. i need some time to just figure out how i can balance my work and stuff alongside writing so i don't get too overwhelmed. i'm not on hiatus yet, so you can still contact me! i'll make an official post when i'm definitely signing off xx


@lionessoftheseas I'll miss u! And take all the time you want. And I hope you get the next chapter of Crimson Queen up. I really love that story. Write in your own time. A consistent writing schedule does help. I write for an hour and a half, every night and it really works for me. But perhaps, something different works for you. Everyone has different motivations. For me, it's more of a recreational activity, so, I usually write after I have tired myself out with my day's work.
            All the love ~ Amelia ♥️


♕ ೃ*⁀➷ look i was never that into rebels so i was kind of on the fence about ahsoka. that was until this episode and the REFERENCES?!?! i wanna cry why am i being transported back to my childhood


♕ ೃ*⁀➷ can we also appreciate in the first bit of the clone wars flashback that they got anakin's hair JUST RIGHT 