
In my story, I created a character the character guess was similar to Derek in the beginning a military man Butch like Derek but he and Stiles developed a friendship and then a relationship and both of them were scared to be bisexual so it gives a lot of angst to the story as Stiles keeps denying it he wants it even once it out loud but he's scared and denies it


May i ask you a question about this fascinating story that you shared on WATTPAD? 
          1. What made you write a story about Tony is stiles uncle and Stiles being Tony nephew? 
          Ps: I just wanted to say that I love this story and thank you for sharing your story on WATTPAD? 


I know we haven't really spoken before but thanks so much for the continued support of my fanfic!! You were one of the first people to vote on it so I'm really grateful. Hope you're having a good day/night and stay safe :)


@lamming19 np! thanks so much!! :) <3


@Star_Lord99 thanks for the comment and I'm having a good day thank you. Your book is amazing and I enjoy reading it. I hope your having a good day/night and hope your keeping safe :)


Who are the 18 friends you can't forget in your life?
          Message only those 18 :} just like I did. Let's see how many messages you get back! Start sending - be honest! Only 18! I value you- a tight hug for you in advance... tomorrow is World Friends Hug Day!!
          Forward this to special friends(even if you think I am one)... you are seriously loved by someone if you get 5 back.