
Alright! that's it for Damaged.. and repaired? Chapter 1! look forward to seeing Chapter 2 soon enough! like, well if you liked it, comment if you have suggestions on my writing. i already have a basic storyline already though. Also... check out the slide show! :) 
          	Happy reading - ladykd98


Alright! that's it for Damaged.. and repaired? Chapter 1! look forward to seeing Chapter 2 soon enough! like, well if you liked it, comment if you have suggestions on my writing. i already have a basic storyline already though. Also... check out the slide show! :) 
          Happy reading - ladykd98


all right! its done! the prologue for my new story (the life of rebecca.. becca for short.) has been posted! its not like my others! nothing that couldn't (possibly) occur will be involved... in the first few chapters. ;) have fun reading all around and i hope you check it out. <3


if you want me to continue writing any of my previous novels, say so. i had completely forgotten about them and I'm not relay feeling them anymore, if u r absolutely dieing to read more, i could probably finish them up quickly (or at least soulmates) and post it, but i don't relay feel it anymore, my <3's not in it. i may start something new soon though..... anyway you have about a month to read whatever you want of the stories and whatever but i will be taking them down and continuing them only on my own computer, not on wattpad. i think 3 stories is 3 to many for me to have a social life as well as update as often as i should.


hio! just wanted to mention that i finally got around to posting a new chapter for soulmates... if you want me to post on something and you think it's been to long since the last time i did well, just tell me. i promiss i will post within 2 weeks after.. (cause i dont have regular access to a computer new enough to even view wattpad) anyways, happy holidays! 


hi,  feel so bad for not posting in a while, but i will soon i promise... by soo ni mean probly by the middle of january... im moving so it is very difficult to find time to get on the computer and write... thanks for being understanding and to all my new fans, THANK YOU FOR FANNING!