
Wingardium Leviosa


Hello, I'm the new owner of this account. I'll be taking over this account starting from today. The previous owner, as few of y'all know as Shaf, decided to stop using this account but didn't want to delete it. So I'm taking over the account with her consent. She unpublished her books. If you want to, you can still talk to her through her second account (@shxfkll13) or through her Instagram (@shaf.eri). Good day mates. 


          Wattpad logged out of my account without me knowing. I was busy with Twitter these days so I didn't open wattpad, but still I felt weird that I wasn't receiving any notifications from wattpad. AND I JUST NOTICED I WAS LOGGED OUT.  I tried logging in but it went to my second account. I freaked out. I tried entering my password but it wasn't working. They wouldn't let me log in. MY HEART JUST DROPPED TO SATAN'S BASEMENT. Then I re-entered my password a few times (more than 30 I think ) AND FINALLYYY I did it. It went it. God I almost lost my heart. I have a lot of special friends here I was so freaked out I cried for 2 hours. Anyways I'm happy I'm back!!