
Hey guys. I just posted the first chapter of a new book. It's different than my other one, but I like it, and I think you will too. Go check it out! (if you want to) https://www.wattpad.com/story/120168871


Hey guys. If any of you still even remember me, I'm sorry to say that dang. I am still crazy busy. I play basketball you see, and I have practice every night for at least 2 hours. Other nights I have games- I get home at 8 earliest. On top of that I have so much homework all the time, plus my personal life- friends, family, different friends. It's actually quite crazy. I am so sorry that you guys are waiting so long, and I hope to get a new chapter out to you all ASAP. Thank you guys for being so understanding. 


@tigerktf  I totally understand! I may have just read your book now and just saw this, but I wanted you to know. Please don't feel pressured into getting out a chapter just because people drop the "Update!" comment. Everyone has a life outside Wattpad and it's okay to take a break for a while and deal with family things/school things. I hope you're doing well and Merry late...very late Christmas! :) Oh! And btw, I absolutely love your book! Humor is on point!