
I’m not gone, I promise. Husbands grandparents are visiting but I will update hopefully soon! 


@klrobins Take all the time you need!!
          	  We love you❤️


          If there are any scenes or additions that you guys think would add to NBS before we get closer towards the end, please comment them below! I'm open to any suggestions, but please know that all requests may not be fulfilled.


i feel like everyone kind of always doubted gwen’s abilities in the group, they always underestimated her and never expected anything major from her so i think gwen should do something in order to prove them wrong and show them the real badass she is.
            i don’t know exactly what she could do but just something that’ll make the group finally understand that they can fully trust her and rely on her. and maybe even a moment when harry shows how proud he is of her for learning how to fight and defend herself! 
            but these are just my thoughts everything you’ll write is definitely going to be perfect, i love your book. never stop writing!!


@HarrysHoneyBee7 your brain works the same as mine because Harry is on that breakdown path. I won’t say too much but know there’s a lot of emotions about to happen. I’m planning on starting the sequel when this is done but I’ll probably take a month or two off in between! 


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Not sure what you have in mind for the ending but it would be badass if Gwen is the one to kill Ucello. She saves Nine and all the others. They all doubted her but she became the one to save all of their asses. 
            I also really hope Brady is alive. Like that’s the biggest fucking plot twist
            That being said —my fingers are crossed that Nine doesn’t die. My heart would be broken LMAO but I trust you!!!  


Yall so funny story, I got super high on Monday and was completely absent from reality for like a solid day and since then haven’t felt like myself. Like I feel as if I’m in a dream still and it’s been almost five days hahahaha… apparently it’s called depersonalization (this has never happened to me before) so yeah. Hopefully I’ll update today or tomorrow, but I’m about to fly back to the states next week because my grandpas health has worsened significantly. Once again, NBS isn’t over. My goal is to have it completed by the first week of June.
          your (mostly) responsible author,


I’ve never been high but this sounds like something I need to do. But take your time on updating! 


nine blue signs is literally so addicting oml i’m abt to reread it bc it’s so good. it deserves so much more recognition, your writing style is incredible


I literally love you. I woke up to over 80 notifications and they were just you. I appreciate you so much  I’ll be updating a few chapters this week 