
I wanna party..... any ideas?


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting The Bad College Nerd  into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡
          P.s. have you read the first book: The Bad Nerd Boy? ♡ 


@agatharoza and i cant wait to read thr second one. 


Thanks for the lovely votes on my book bud!
          I hope you've enjoyed it so far ^^


@kittykatt76 Gee thanks!! Im very happy that u enjoyed it!! Do check out the spin off if u wish :)


@TheEuphoricWriter omg fa orite book of all times


I Just want to say thank you for all the people who follow me and support me. I love you guys so much and I have now reason to deserve you guys. I love you everyone and especially you hail.  You have helped me through so much and you don't understand how much I care for you. Ever since summer came and school came I have missed you, you brighten my word and help keep my demons away. 