
Hi loves!
          	Wondering if anyone will volunteer to proof read my miraculous fanfic that will be finished near the end of august. The fic is basically my take on the love-square and a character deep dive on Adrien (mostly his pov/heavily marichat/a bit fast paced for lots of progression).
          	Things you’d be looking for:
          	-grammar mistakes/better wording
          	-& any feedback at the end that you think would make the story better!
          	The fic should be around 50k words so quite a bit to get through. But I always make little mistakes so I’m essentially just looking for some beta readers (is that the right terminology?)
          	If you are 16+ and/or are a pretty critical reader, please comment on this post and I’ll get back to 2-3 of you at the end of the month to edit it.
          	Thank you again loves 


@kitaspages kitaaaa im so excited for the new fic rveryday


Btw I volunteer as well to proof read , I’m 19 almost 20 and I love all miraculous fanfics especially your story style so I’m def going to be paying attention to ever word!!


Hii I know you get so much comments about passions burn and you give the link which I fully read , but I was wondering if it’s possible to ever put it back on wattpad and continue the story, or if you have plans for it ? Honestly since last year this is still hands down my favorite wattpad story and it needs justice lol and I can never get it off of my head I just wanted to ask if you’re planning on continuing it 


Lost Fanfic/ Recommendations
          hey guys!! there was this fic on wattpad that was adriennete where marinette left her old school as she got expelled due to lilas lies and because she had displayed negative behaviour she joined a boarding school. its an AU so no miraculouses. in the boarding school i think she doormed with adrien and adrien was your typical bad boy/player type person. i also remember the book was unfinished. i cant seem to find this fic but i remember the same author made another AU where adrienette were best friends and this fic was pretty popular( i cant remember anything about the other fic). i cant seem to find this book anywhere and i have posted a video in tiktok to see if anyone could help me find this wattpad fic but nobody has responded :). if nobody can find the book can anyone suggest anything similar? thankyou so much :)


Hi loves!
          Wondering if anyone will volunteer to proof read my miraculous fanfic that will be finished near the end of august. The fic is basically my take on the love-square and a character deep dive on Adrien (mostly his pov/heavily marichat/a bit fast paced for lots of progression).
          Things you’d be looking for:
          -grammar mistakes/better wording
          -& any feedback at the end that you think would make the story better!
          The fic should be around 50k words so quite a bit to get through. But I always make little mistakes so I’m essentially just looking for some beta readers (is that the right terminology?)
          If you are 16+ and/or are a pretty critical reader, please comment on this post and I’ll get back to 2-3 of you at the end of the month to edit it.
          Thank you again loves 


@kitaspages kitaaaa im so excited for the new fic rveryday


Btw I volunteer as well to proof read , I’m 19 almost 20 and I love all miraculous fanfics especially your story style so I’m def going to be paying attention to ever word!!


Hii I know you get so much comments about passions burn and you give the link which I fully read , but I was wondering if it’s possible to ever put it back on wattpad and continue the story, or if you have plans for it ? Honestly since last year this is still hands down my favorite wattpad story and it needs justice lol and I can never get it off of my head I just wanted to ask if you’re planning on continuing it 


Hey! I heard you were the author Passion’s burn and I was wondering how I might be able to get access to it? It’s one of my girlfriend’s favorite stories from years ago and she talks about it a lot, and our one year is coming up so I’d love to be able to show it to her as a gift  she LOVES miraculous, so I know she’d really appreciate it


happy anniversary to you two!❤️ wishing you guys the best 


wow this is SO sweet! i’m sorry to get back to you so late. the fic is weirdly formatted because  it was the only way some of my readers could salvage it but here it is


hiii sorry to bother, i was wondering if i could get the link for passions burn ? if that’s okay?  <3


sorry this is so late my love. the format is hard to read because it’s the only way my readers could salvage it but here it is