
TGTL has been updated. I hope you all love it!


Hey Kaylans,
          I hope you all are doing well and are keeping safe in these difficult and trying times. I have been MIA for a long time and it's because of a lot of reasons I don't wish to get into. I noticed the platform has changed immensely and it's not as before. So, I'm here completely lost. So, I'm not promising anything, but I will update when I can. These past months have been different and. I've not had the inspiration to write as I was before. But I will like to push myself to write again, and see where it leads me. Thank you to those that have been reading my books and leaving feedback. I apologize for not being interactive with you but I just saw everything and I appreciate it. Thank you all once again for everything. God bless.


Hey Lovelies!
          Which book should I update first? Any recommendations?




@Yasmine_Baby98 Yes I am boo!And I am happy to hear you are well!


Youre welcome and I am and I hope the same for you ☺❤


Heyyyyy Kaylans!. I'm back! I'll be getting back into writing soon. Some new books would be introduced as well as updates to the current ones. Hope everyone is safe in this critical times.  God bless all!. Much love to you all!❤


Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I've disappeared off here last time after promising I had some free time to write.. I'm truly sorry.. Life whipped a wind and blew me to another direction real quick.. I'm no more making promises but I will update when i do find the Time.. I'm gonna try but I'm really busy.. I want to say a few thank yous and welcomes! First, thank you to all my faithful readers that have been supporting me.. Giving me feedback and helping my writing in any way.. I appreciate you all immensely.. Thank you so much.. And I want to say welcome to all my new followers.. I hope you all enjoy it here with us Kaylans.. Thanks to my new followers that have also been faithful readers.. I appreciate it.. 


@kiki_21 thanks boo! ❤❤❤❤❤ 


@kaylovestawrite take your time we'll be here ❤️❤️❤️


Hello My Kaylans! I'm so sorry. I've been gone for a very long time but I'm back for a while. I will be taking back on writing soon. Let me know which books yall want to see again. I have been thinking of writing a sequel to The Girl That Never. Do yall want that? If so, please let me know. Let me know what updates yall want! I really missed yall but I'm here so let's make this fun. Thank you so much for the votes and reads on Sexes and TGTN. I really appreciate everything Kaylans!❤️