
Looking to find more writers on twitter. I don't post often but I enjoy seeing what other people have posted about their writings.  


Hi! Are you going to continue Dragons spin-off? It's because I am still really curious about how Charlie would react to Gracie


@ RavenPuffyPotterHead  ah it's okay I'm going to check out your other stories!


@RavenPuffyPotterHead Hi! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I actually have all my fanfics on hold currently as I force myself only to write my original story, Out of Step (which is really hard cause I have an Avatar fanfic I wanna write ). I want to finish Out of Step by the end of July (or August at the absolute latest), so I should hopefully be back to update my Dragon stories then! 
            Sorry for the long response 


If I held a small contest (literally so small, it would take you seconds to answer and the prize wouldn't be very big because life) for my story Fireworks and Firewhiskey, would anyone be interested?
          Follow up question, what would be a good (but small) prize?


are you going to write sequel to dragons? i noticed you had a spin off but i mean actually continuing the story?


@joannahakala Technically yes? The sequel is about Grace though (hopefully you remember who she is because I don't wanna say and spoil anyone who scrolls through her lol). I can't post it yet though cause the first chapter spoils the end of Lion's Roar and I'm trying to avoid that. 
            In the end, the plan is to have both Lion's Roar and Grace's story will continue Elisha and Charlie's story in a sense (and answer any questions Dragons left people with) it just won't be the main focus of that book. 
            I really hope that made sense cause I think I just confused myself?
            I'm glad you enjoyed Dragons and thanks for the question! If you have any others, please ask them :D I can be confusing and I'd love to clear up any of that confusion I cause.


For the past 6 months I’ve been telling people I’m 24 and my friend and mom called me out on it, but here I am actually for once in my life 24 so now I can stop exaggerating the truth. 
          Also in other news, wow I forgot to update. 


this message may be offensive
So I was looking at my profile for the wattpad community thing and this is what I have: "I write Harry Potter Fanfics and Original Stories. English graduate. No, I’m not going to be a teacher." 
          Which needs to be updated because technically I am a teacher.... at a daycare/preschool, but still they brought me gifts for teacher appreciation day so like I'll bite.
          On another note, I am glad I'm not a real real teacher because shit kids can be awful. All y'all teachers out there are amazing and deserve so much love and happiness.