
Hi everyone. 
          	I am trying to update assistant wanted and i am considering rewriting dark stranger but thats only a maybe. 
          	Firstly i want to say thank you for those that read who just enjoy the stories i write and who are supportive. I love reading your comments and your help with creative criticism. I love reading your comments and i try and reply when i can
          	Secondly to those people who criticise, highlight my work to point out errots or question what i write. Please stop. 
          	If you have nothing nice to say then dont say anything, if you dont like what i wright then thats okay dont read them. 
          	I have anxiety where some days i have five or more panic attackd and raise a child alone and work part time and i write as mode of enjoyment. I deal with what i am dealt but cut me some slack and leave your nasty comments to yourself. Yes my grammar and sentencing sucks in some chapters i think we established that so i do not need reminding or people being mean and bringing my stories down for it. 


oooh yes please, please  write dark stranger again I really liked it and just ignore them idiots there just hating on you for no reason


Hi Katy, I read your book 'Met his match', its amazing, the story is so catchy and all the characters are perfect. Leo and Katie make a cute couple. I loved the passion and sensuality in their relationship. I actually have a thing for Cowboys, they just get me going! I truly loved your story! Keep writing such beautiful stories. Can't wait to read Jake's story now. I bet it will be as good as this.
          God bless!