
Hey just wanted to say that I absolutely love your writing but I wonder have you thought of doing a sequel or  an epilogue. Anyway I just thought to ask if that was your thing because I can't stop reading them and I want more haha 


Hear me out. . .
          Short story of a yautja discovering his ooman befallen the hanahaki disease 
          Or . . . . . 
          Lol, love your work, I can't help reread them several times. Every chapter just further sends me spiralling to get to the next episode. 
          So many sleepless nights, tsk tsk. . . How dare you 
          Hope you take care of yourself and your needs first! 
          Sincerely, Insomniatic Gremlin X3


@SkarletFate very interesting. I do have a short story in mind but it's absolute unhinged filth. 