
          	TL;DR - i like naruto again, i might rewrite tokerahi, you may get some new content, new stuff will be angsty and sakura/akatsuki-centric, my style has improved a lot
          	ok so i'm a liar, the naruto fixation keeps coming back every couple months. there's a really good chance i'll rewrite my one big hit, tokerahi. one of y'all added that one to a reading list called "the best naruto" and to that person, you inspired me to fix my crappy middle school formatting of that story, thank you. also good news to those of you that actually like my wack ideas for fanfic, i have other naruto ideas in the works and actually sort of planned out helf decently, so look forward to that, i guess. most of the new stuff, if i do post on here again, will be sakura-centric and or akatsuki based (the urge to write angst has hit me like a truck). and shout out to the one person that tried very directly ripping off tokerahi, even down to the summary. i thought it was funny, so thanks. so, no one get their hopes up (idek how many people will read this lol if any), but i might return. i promise my writing style, formatting, and ability to hold down a plot has improved (i'm so sorry to those subjected to my new to fanfic style in 2020). hope y'all have been doing well and have a good life 
          	(PS i read every single comment i get on stories and 100% look at the lists you add my stuff to because it makes me happy)


          TL;DR - i like naruto again, i might rewrite tokerahi, you may get some new content, new stuff will be angsty and sakura/akatsuki-centric, my style has improved a lot
          ok so i'm a liar, the naruto fixation keeps coming back every couple months. there's a really good chance i'll rewrite my one big hit, tokerahi. one of y'all added that one to a reading list called "the best naruto" and to that person, you inspired me to fix my crappy middle school formatting of that story, thank you. also good news to those of you that actually like my wack ideas for fanfic, i have other naruto ideas in the works and actually sort of planned out helf decently, so look forward to that, i guess. most of the new stuff, if i do post on here again, will be sakura-centric and or akatsuki based (the urge to write angst has hit me like a truck). and shout out to the one person that tried very directly ripping off tokerahi, even down to the summary. i thought it was funny, so thanks. so, no one get their hopes up (idek how many people will read this lol if any), but i might return. i promise my writing style, formatting, and ability to hold down a plot has improved (i'm so sorry to those subjected to my new to fanfic style in 2020). hope y'all have been doing well and have a good life 
          (PS i read every single comment i get on stories and 100% look at the lists you add my stuff to because it makes me happy)


This is goodbye. I have posted all the things I had in my drafts just in case anyone wanted to read them. I’m done updating stories forever on this account. I might rewrite them at some point, but I’m done with Naruto for the foreseeable future. 


I'm really sorry. I probably won't be on this account for a while. I'm more focused on school and other fandoms right now. I won't delete this account or stories because I know many people enjoy my stories. I won't be adding anymore for a while, though. 
          Thank you for reading my work.