
          	We are the only ones there
          	We are got here with so many 
          	We are the strong who survived 
          	Is this what 14 days on brink looks like?
          	Is the world of dinosaurs option ours now?
          	Is reality different today?
          	Hope God spares us and our families 
          	Hope my friends live to hug again 
          	Hope the world is getting wiser finally 
          	I have to send my love 
          	I must give my courage to you 
          	I beaten the dark angel  4 times 
          	So take hand washing seriously 
          	So hold them kiss they will return 
          	So write your thoughts to one you love
          	 Justin Thadd Kludzinski 


          We are the only ones there
          We are got here with so many 
          We are the strong who survived 
          Is this what 14 days on brink looks like?
          Is the world of dinosaurs option ours now?
          Is reality different today?
          Hope God spares us and our families 
          Hope my friends live to hug again 
          Hope the world is getting wiser finally 
          I have to send my love 
          I must give my courage to you 
          I beaten the dark angel  4 times 
          So take hand washing seriously 
          So hold them kiss they will return 
          So write your thoughts to one you love
           Justin Thadd Kludzinski 


Dear Jesus 
          I am a sinner you died for me 
          I am a poet I write for yours lambs
          I am a planet like Pluto alone 
          My work is for good 
          My work is for peace 
          My work is for God 
          You rose up today 
          You lift us up tomorrow 
          You brought love that is enough 
          The right hand you sit in heaven above full of love 
          The Holy Ghost comes to bless us from C-19
          The Father stands like the watcher do we repent 
          I bring you these words your not alone 
          We can not gather but hearts still at home
          Happy Easter and Passover but stay safe at home 
          Or Lightfoot  will find you sends you home
          And she not Joking Around 
          A Chicago thing you won’t get it 
          God bless us everyone 
          Justin Thadd Kludzinski 


Duality of a  Meta Man 
          The scene I chose Father Joseph goes on a quest to get advice from local Rabbi to exorcise the 8 demons from Mother Superior Joan and what are demons.. The Rabbi tells him the problem  may not be so many demons but not enough angels to fight them. He says her angel is gone and now she fights the demons alone. He has done one exorcism young Jewish girl who was possessed by a demon he did what he could but girl still died . He all women are Eventually temped and fall victim to devil. The thing that struck me the most was his comparison of himself and Father Joseph that they have two sides good and evil. That he is Father Joseph and Father Joseph is him. We think of ourselves do we always do good or do we always do evil. In the end fate does show us both sides . Our own Angels if God the inner Meta make the difference. For God made tree of good and evil which man and woman ate from
          Because the serpent the devil who was a angel made by God temped them to do for revenge against God  for his fall from Grace. But like Father Joseph and The Rabbi they traded to remove sin from the devils victims . A sin eater to be a simple term . One died and one lived but the one who live took two innocents by sin eater Father Joseph . It was two for one trade with the devil. Father Joseph finally seen the evil in mirror at end till they probably burn him at the stake lone priest before . My advice pray be pure of heart and know good and evil and only do good God Bless the good. 
          Justin Thadd Kludzinski 


Prince Syed 
          In India there live in Punjab section and warrior like no other.
          All other warriors only look for rubies and emerald for their wealth. 
          Not Syed he love good  people who need him for safety . I traveled 
          India doing deeds to save women and children from perils. One day
          Pulling a old mystic women from a quicksand pit. She told of 
          A princess trapped in a temple by a evil Raja. She had long black 
          shinning hair, smooth olive skin,  and the sparkling brown  eyes. 
          Her capture came as a chance meeting after a palace wedding in
          The capital. Syed vow to mystic to free her from her capturer.  It was 
          A swamp leading into the temple that had many guards. He decided 
          To swim in under the murky waters to avoid the outnumbered guards.
          As he found a river to inside the temple he came up to find a torch lite
          Altar with a hooded women standing backwards from him. He ask her
          Are you Talwinder the princess ? Yes I am do not draw near . Why I 
          Have save you. He grabs her shoulder and turns to look at him . To 
          His shock she is a cobra and bites him on the lips he slumps
          And falls she see him tremble and shake to dying in her midst . Touched
          She kneels beside him a tear fails from her cobra eye on his check
          He begins to recover and touch’s her hand she changes back to princess 
          The Raja spell is broken now she is all human again.  The Raja comes down 
          To comfort them as they prepare to leave by the pool and river. He draws his 
          Sword so does Syed they fight for a hour till the Raja does slip the Syed cuts 
          His throat and green blood flows . The cobra follows out of his throat
          Syed cuts his head off and set torch on them both as burn guards become 
          Good soldiers again let them leave without malice . The prince and the princess 
          Free to marry in love the kiss of cobra and tear she once did shed. 
          Justin Thadd Kludzinski 


Dragon’s Food 
          I need blood
          I need wine
          I need kisses from you
          Far from the Shire
          Far into The Mountain
          Far into the valley of death 
          Dance in moonlight dear
          Dance in shadows 
          Dance in naked beaches of our minds 
          Become one with me dear 
          Become my dreams fulfilled
          Become the angel to slay my dragon side
          Be my breakfast 
          Be my lunch 
          Be my supper 
          I wish for a future with my new love
          From death of my heart 
          A dragon I became 
          Now a new trial of life is at hand 
          Can death end this too my love 
          Always the water dragon 
          Sometimes the poet 
          Forever the romantic 
          Justin Thadd Kludzinski