*super weird and upbeat music turns on, disco ball drops from out of nowhere, strobe lights start flashing making it look lit af* 

*suddenly i(the weirdest person ever) comes out of nowhere like a ninja*

HEYOOOOO! Welcome grasshopper. You obviously have stumbled upon my page or you are stalking me. Either way it's all good.

So here are a few things about me...
-I pretty much gain weight by looking at pictures of food
-I love food
-I have always wanted a cow and I want to name it Bessie
-I also want a pig and name it Tyrone
-I like drawing (even though my art sucks ass)
-I'm sarcastic
-my life is pretty just me eating, sleeping, and reading
-I'm pretty sure I'm gonna end up forever alone
-and lastly I am pretty shitty at writing stuff, especially about myself

So that's it for now!
*dramatically flips hair and walks away trying to look cool, but ultimately fails and falls on face*

"I'm lovely, I know"

* gets up and casually walks away and pretends it never happened*
  • Probably eating food
  • JoinedNovember 21, 2016