
hey, hope you’re doing well! i read ‘bad boy in a cupcake shop’ and ‘the jock’s heart’ when i first joined wattpad a few years ago. i recently rediscovered your page (nostalgia trip lol) but your stories are gone. can you clarify what happened?


Are you planning to write anymore books??


Yeah! I have another story almost completely written and it will be published when I'm finished publishing my currently writing book, Bad Boy in a Cupcake Shop! And other than that I have a writing 'prompt' that I haven't started writing yet! ily xx


I love your books so much! Are you a Christian because I noticed you out bless the broken road on your book which is a Christian song? I'm a Christian. Do you mind following me and checking out my books and I promise I'll follow you back but you don't have to of course. Thanks anyway:)


I wouldn't consider it gospel or anything but yeah, Bless the Broken Road does have a God reference to it. Not that I mind whatsoever, because yes, I do believe in God and I'm a proud Christian. And as far as your writing goes, I'll definitely check it out! Don't loose interest in writing and whatever book you write on Wattpad, try your hardest and you'll have my support. Your book does however sound interesting and I'll read it as long as you keep updating! Xxx