
hello! quick message to anyone who's read my fic "Come Together"- thank you so much for reading! it's been over a year since i first published, and it was my first foray into writing fanfiction, and it's been really fun writing it during such a mindfuck of a time. whether you've been here since the beginning or just started reading recently, thank you so much, sincerely. <3  i'm going to start really dedicating my time to it this summer, so stay tuned for future chapters! ty again pals!


hello! quick message to anyone who's read my fic "Come Together"- thank you so much for reading! it's been over a year since i first published, and it was my first foray into writing fanfiction, and it's been really fun writing it during such a mindfuck of a time. whether you've been here since the beginning or just started reading recently, thank you so much, sincerely. <3  i'm going to start really dedicating my time to it this summer, so stay tuned for future chapters! ty again pals!


i just wanted to say that i loved both of your tomarry books, and that they were really good and funny. thank you for writing them, they were very entertaining! 


@bradsbitch43 haha thank you!! i’m happy u liked reading them :) :)


this message may be offensive
ok, i just read your tomarry fics on ao3, and holy shit you have such an imaginative mind, i loved them so much! 


@jellybeantarot i will definitely check what you have on ao3, you are such a creative writer! 