
hello! it's come to my attention that the komahina oneshots book i had has been removed. for anyone curious and looking for it, that was NOT a decision made by me, you can thank wattpad for that as something apparently violated the guidelines. i will attempt to get it sorted out, but it's seeming like i won't be able to get it back on here.


@jrrrrrrrgrrrrr mine did as well, but there was another part that said something along the lines of "anything wattpad finds that violated guidelines like this cannot be restored" or smthn similar


@ jecroisenmoii  huh, in my message they gave me a link in case I wanted to send an appeal


@jrrrrrrrgrrrrr fr??? that's so strange, hopefully it stops soon bc they specified in the message that it wouldn't be restorable


hello! it's come to my attention that the komahina oneshots book i had has been removed. for anyone curious and looking for it, that was NOT a decision made by me, you can thank wattpad for that as something apparently violated the guidelines. i will attempt to get it sorted out, but it's seeming like i won't be able to get it back on here.


@jrrrrrrrgrrrrr mine did as well, but there was another part that said something along the lines of "anything wattpad finds that violated guidelines like this cannot be restored" or smthn similar


@ jecroisenmoii  huh, in my message they gave me a link in case I wanted to send an appeal


@jrrrrrrrgrrrrr fr??? that's so strange, hopefully it stops soon bc they specified in the message that it wouldn't be restorable




this message may be offensive
Thats my entire fucking personality, pardon my russian.


@linklivesmatter LOL HI I THINK??? this is so random and out of context but thanks!


hey y'all so. I originally planned on posting a chapter today, but on wednesday I got SO sick bro,,,, like i fr have been a victorian child w a cold in his final days. I still am dealing w it, and I've mostly been bedridden so I'm unable to finish the chapter today :( I will upload it as soon as possible when I'm well again <33


i'm gonna quickly put up one of the stories i'm currently writing here, fyi. it's really really long so it might stand out to everything else on my account (which is all seriously outdated to my current writing style like jfc) 
          this doesn't mean i'll update it whenever i actually write a new chapter, i usually forget about this website until i get notifs tbh but enjoy the near 100,000 word content


Hey, just s that you guys know, I'm not dead. I haven't stopped writing, and I don't think I ever will, but let's just say that I've kind of... Matured from this site? 
          Don't get me wrong, there are some things I like about Wattpad, but now I'm just outright leaning towards AO3. I've leaned towards it so much that I've written a ton on there and just haven't gotten around to posting it here. 
          I only come back to check up on comments n things like that, which I love getting by the way :] I especially love having little convos with my followers/readers here (or even on AO3 too I guess). I love all of your support, but I honestly feel a bit bad for abandoning this site so much. 
          If you'd like to continue supporting me, my AO3 account is KxmahinaTrxsh (just as it is here). I have a MUCH longer writing style now, going FAR past just 2000 or so words per chapter, so if you're the kind of person to enjoy that then I definitely suggest taking a look at my most recent works. 
          Also, I'd like to address my. Well. Sourness on this account. Looking back at how pissed I'd get over random little things and driving my followers away makes me kinda cringe now; not that I like it now, my DNI list still hasn't shortened, but I don't like how forceful I was about it :( I'm so sorry yall, ik you just want some kmhn n all so I don't have much of a right to be like that
          So... Yeah. This may be my final message on Wattpad, but that doesn't mean I'm disappearing. Maybe when I get around to it, I'll crosspost here. But other than that? Inactivity left and right, unless anyone here would like to ask questions or anything like that :0 completely up to that sort of thing!!


In summary: my AO3 account is KxmahinaTrxsh and I'm posting there more now.


seven foot dick, thongs along his back! when he slaps your ass, it's Niagara falls! yeah, he sees your wet and feasts on your cum! we don't talk about papi


this message may be offensive
I don't know how many times I have to say it, don't fucking interact with me if you ship me with Mikan! I hate this site because of how commonly I come across people who interact with me that go under this, seriously! And every time I say something it's just ignored, which is beyond ridiculous. 
          In fact, just read this -> , and if you fall under it then listen to it and stop following me and interacting with my stories. If I come across it after this point, I'm muting.


@G0RY_C4K3 ah wait, i was thinking of the wrong one- but it still applies. they're gay and hate any other headcanon for xemself, so I'm pretty uncomfortable with that as well and would prefer any other headcanon to be put away from me


@KxmahinaTrxsh oh ok now I understand, thank you