I've never done an 'About me' properly so..here goes......

Hello there! I'm Jami and I'm Nineteen years of age. I am located in the United States. I have always been into writing but i never finished writing anything. I hope that I can on here! I have been in a relationship with the same man for over four years and it looks like I'm stuck with him for forever =] <3

HOBBIES- taking pictures of my cat, pinterest, tumblr, painting mermaids,getting tattooed, video games, Sims 3, eating, exercising, and making up stories in my head.

MOVIE- I have many but at the moment its Perks of Being a Wallflower
COLOR- purple =]
SONG- lately i cant stop listening to Gravity by John Mayer
Music Artist- Ed Sheeran for the moment =]
DRINK- ice water =] even though i used to hate water...hmmm
FOOD- i cant stop eating guacamole since i first tried it a few weeks ago
SEASON-either spring or fall =] depending which day you ask me
TV SHOW- Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, True Blood, The Carrie Diaries, Skins(UK), Archer
FUN FACTS!- i can eat taco bell like a mofo, i played the baritone saxophone in concert band, i spin flags and rifles for fun, i live on my own, i have a twin =] <3


Message me if you need to or just want to talk =]
Jami Lyn =] <3
  • JoinedJanuary 26, 2013

Last Message
jamilyn23 jamilyn23 Mar 04, 2013 06:33AM
@brandie22 Of course! its really good so far! =] 
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Stories by Jami Lyn Schultz
Rebels Without A Pulse by jamilyn23
Rebels Without A Pulse
After turning the living into the dead, Rowan is quarantined by the government, unable to have human contact...
Remembering You by jamilyn23
Remembering You
Maggie is plagued by her dreams of the guy that broke her heart 3 years ago. They end up crossing paths again...
Sweet Nothings by jamilyn23
Sweet Nothings
Noah and Kierden were in love with each other, but they never knew it until last summer. Now the seasons have...
4 Reading Lists
