
Hey, everyone. It's Julian
          	Head's up. My Alta Heroes stories right now are in the draft section. Why? Because I'm not satisfied. Don't worry. I'm not deleting them. I just... I just wanna take my time with Alta Heroes. I don't wanna get it out at a certain time and get noticed quickly anymore. I wanna enjoy the storytelling process and such. I wanna just create for the sake of creating. And I want to love these stories with my whole heart before I share them with you. With that said, thank you all for your support and such throughout the years. See you guys around.


Hey, everyone. It's Julian
          Head's up. My Alta Heroes stories right now are in the draft section. Why? Because I'm not satisfied. Don't worry. I'm not deleting them. I just... I just wanna take my time with Alta Heroes. I don't wanna get it out at a certain time and get noticed quickly anymore. I wanna enjoy the storytelling process and such. I wanna just create for the sake of creating. And I want to love these stories with my whole heart before I share them with you. With that said, thank you all for your support and such throughout the years. See you guys around.


          Hey, guys. It’s Julian 
          So I wanted to give you guys a heads up that my Christmas story is not gonna be ready this year. I want the story to be its best and I feel it’s not right to rush it. Plus, I’ve been really preoccupied with life events and stuff. I also just wanna enjoy the holiday season and celebrate my accomplishments with myself and my loved ones. I hope you guys get to do that as well. Thank you for being on my writing journey with me. Happy Holidays. 
          P.S.: For all of my A03 users, the previous story I had was taken down due to it violating terms there. From now on, I will post updates and such through stories. Take care and have a Merry Christmas. 


Hey, guys
          I’m just going to say I’m doing good so far in this week and I hope you’re all alright. Regarding my Christmas story, it’ll probably not be on the very day of Christmas. I want this story to be the best it can be. But it’ll be around the holiday season. That’s all I can say there. So yeah. That’s the update. Hope you have a great rest of your day, everyone. Take care. 


Hey, everyone.
          It's another day and I wanted to let you all know something. I'm taking a break from my Alta Heroes continuity writing. This is where I'm going to be writing my Christmas story for friends and family, and you guys. Please have a lovely rest of your night. You guys deserve it. 
          Take care.


Hey, everyone. How are you? Hope you're all doing well. I'm doing alright myself. So, guess what? I'm gonna be working on some original stuff. What, you all might ask? You'll see soon. Of course, this'll be done after some Alta Heroes stuff gets finished in the background. Till then, take care, and I'll see you guys around.


          Hope you’re all doing good. As for me, I’m ok. I’m struggling but I’m still here. I still want to be here. I feel angry yet wanting to forgive. I’m trying and sometimes, I feel it’s not enough, but I must remember my best will always be enough. I’m tired yet proud. I’m proud of the work I’ve done in the life stuff that’s currently taking up my time. I’m knocking these things down but I’m taking them on one step at a time. I’m proud of myself for that. So, yeah. That’s what’s up right now. I’ve got a bit of life stuff to deal with and I’m doing great. But I’m pretty busy in the meantime. Keep on the lookout, though. I’ll post when the time is right. Take care. You’re all amazing. And thank you, for all your support. 


Hello, Everyone. 
          Hope you’re all well. I’m alright. Just trying my best with school right now. As for my Batman story, I’m close to being done. For the half of the tale. I’m just doing my best. I’ll keep you guys as in the loop as I can. Take care 


            Good luck with your Batman story. I'm close to being done with mine as well. Probably won't be as interesting though, sadly. Best of luck with school too. College must be tricky.


Hello, Everyone 
          I hope you’re all doing well. I’m alright myself. I’ve been going through lots of life events from summer school to wisdom teeth removal. Since then, I’ve been working hard on my Batman story. I’m loving my progress so far as well as my progress on many other things. I just wanted to check in. Again, I hope all of you are well. 
          Take care