
hey I just re-remembered this account exists, and unfortunately, I'm no longer able to be active on it.
          	if you wanna still interact with me and see what im doing or working on feel free to check out my Tumblr (@ kfriedrice) 
          	if not thank you to everyone following me, I hope yall had fun


hey I just re-remembered this account exists, and unfortunately, I'm no longer able to be active on it.
          if you wanna still interact with me and see what im doing or working on feel free to check out my Tumblr (@ kfriedrice) 
          if not thank you to everyone following me, I hope yall had fun


this message may be offensive
Hi folks! So I realized that I have been pretty quiet on this account (this is the only account of mine that I haven't said anything about this yet) but I just wanted to make one thing very clear. 
          Black lives matter, they always have and always will. There is no getting around it. 
          If you disagree with this statement please unfollow me immediately and feel free to block me while you're at it. I will not put up with any discourse or "all lives matter" bullshit. If you decide it is a good idea to comment that here you will be blocked immediately. If you want more educational resources and such, I will be posting a master list of educational anti-racism books and articles and such to my bio. I know that this website specifically isn't necessarily big on that sort of thing but that's what makes it even more important to me that I do so. 
          I love you all, feel free to dm me with any questions or anything else you need. <3


Welp, you have successfully made me cry over angt thank you


@21fangrellsathedisco No is good you made me cry that means you are good at writing angst


you messed with my feels 


@21fangrellsathedisco *insert scared and crying emoji here* u h o h


@21fangrellsathedisco I'm getting ready to start reading Scars too, but I have a feeling that, because of the title, it's also gonna mess with my feels


I just read "Missed Call From Princey" and I'm crying. You are such a talented author. In such a short span of time, you were able to provoke such a strong emotion. It's incredible!! I absolutely loved it. You are such a talented author and I just woah.